University of Bristol
布里斯托市位于英格兰西南,是一个美丽和历史悠久的城市,同时为英格兰八大核心城市之一(English Core Cities Group),并且是英格兰西南部最大的城市,人口40多万,是该区域的商业、文化和教育主导中心。该城市现今的经济实力大多来自工程、航空和新技术以及金融服务、媒体和旅游业。2014年,在《星期日泰晤士报》评估的英国的64个城市中,布里斯托被评为全英最适宜居住的城市。布里斯托居民的年均收入是£22,293,位居英国12个主要城市中的第三名。城市居民年均收入高,这应该是要得益于布里斯托市在英国的经济地位。作为英国西南部地区的经济文化中心,布里斯托市被称为欧洲的硅谷,有很多高科技的公司都把 布里斯托国际热气球节-每年8月中旬 布里斯托国际热气球节-每年8月中旬(10张) 总部或者研发中心设在这里,其中有比如空中客车、东芝、劳斯莱斯等这样全球知名的公司,
布里斯托大学校徽 布里斯托大学校徽 布里斯托大学校徽 布里斯托大学(拉丁文校名:Universitatis Bristolliensis;英文校名:University of Bristol) 的第一个学院即布里斯托医学院成立于1833年,至1876年先后成立的几个学院合并为一个大学整体即布里斯托大学学院(University College,Bristol),于1909年得到皇家特许授权(Royal Charter)并更名为布里斯托大学,布里斯托大学的校训为拉丁文“Vim Promovet Insitam",英文意思为"[Learning] promotes one's innate power" – from Horace,Ode 4.4,中文意思是“(学习)提高一个人内在天赋”。 校徽含义:布里斯托大学的盾徽由五个象征组成,包括太阳代表Wills家族,马代表Fry家族,海豚代表Colston家族,打开的书代表学习,中间的船舶和城堡来自中世纪布里斯托市的印章。
2018年泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education)在其网站上盘点年英国最美10所大学,布里斯托大学成功登榜。同时,TripAdvisor旗下网站发起的线上调查中,布里斯托大学成为“心目中最美的英国大学”前10。 布里斯托大学各项设施 九个学生宿舍楼都有计算机房,内设计算机和打印机,大多数可24小时使用。大学的主图书馆藏书超过一百万册,订阅期刊6,000多种。海外生 大学图书馆内部[24] 咨询服务处旨在帮助留学生充分利用他们在校的时光,该处还发挥一般的福利作用。海外生咨询员提供移民、签证续签、工作许可证、驾驶执照、地方政府税、学校教育和家庭问题方面的建议。他们还安排一系列外出旅游,使留学生以便宜的价钱在英国观光,并与其它海外生结识和交换经验。 布里斯托大学为市区大学,这意味各系、图书馆和宿舍楼都散落于本市内,不固定在独立的校园之内。大学建筑和各项设施间的距离,都在步行范围之内;而且,城市里的诸多商店、夜总会、公园、剧院、酒吧、餐馆和想去的地方,也就在附近。大学二年级和二年级以上的学生,如果他们愿意,也可申请大学宿舍。 大学的主图书馆藏书超过一百万册,订阅期刊6,000多种。主图书馆构成图书馆系统的核心,它得到大学内其他12个分馆的支持。
学校会为新入学学生保证宿舍分配;在以后的几年中,如果学生愿意,也可申请大学宿舍(但是校方无法保证有足够的宿舍供非新生选择)。 大学宿舍 布里斯托大学为学生提供约5,000个宿舍,几乎三分之一的住宿是在包伙食的宿舍楼内。一些学生住在市中心,而另一些则住在郊区,靠近开阔的绿野,视野遍及埃文峡谷美景的Downs区(开阔绿野)。频繁往来的巴士服务,将这些大学宿舍与教学楼和城市的其他部分连接起来。 大学的住宿办公室位于学生会大楼的四层,处理学生的住宿申请。此外,它还为住宿问题,如家庭住宿,提供信息与建议。大学附近还有私人住宿,每周租金在£55-£70之间,这不包括生活设施费用。
BSc Mathematics with Statistics for Finance (G1G4) (金融统计学数学理学士(G1G4))
MSc Management (International Human Resource Management) ()
MSc Economics with Data Science (经济学和数据科学)
LLM Law, Environment, Sustainability and Business (法律、环境、可持续性和商业)
MSci Economics with Innovation ()
BSc Business Analytics (商业分析)
BSc Marketing with Study Abroad (市场营销含海外学习)
MSc Management (International Human Resource Management) (管理学(国际人力资源管理))
Graduate Diploma Economics (经济学)
MSc Economics, Accounting and Finance (经济学、会计与金融)
MSc Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship ()
MSc International Business and Strategy: Global Challenges ()
PHD Management ()
BSc Business and Management (N200) ()
MSc Strategy, Change and Leadership (战略、变革与领导力)
MSc Marketing (Digital) (市场营销(数字))
MRes Economics ()
MSc Management (Project Management) ()
MSc Economics finance and management ()
MSc Economics (Macroeconomics) (经济学(宏观经济学))
MSc Economics(Economic Policy) (经济学(经济政策))
Business,Law,SocialSciences(London) ()
Foundation Certificate for Business, Law and Social Sciences ()
MSc Management (CSR and Sustainability) ()
MSc Marketing (Strategy and Business Development). (市场营销(战略与商业发展))
BSc Economics (L100) (经济学)
BSc Economics with Study in Continental Europe (L101) (经济学研究)
BSc Management (N200) (管理)
BSc Marketing ()
BSc Mathematics with Statistics for Finance ()
MSc Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation) ()
MSc Financial Technology with Data Science ()
Phd in Accounting and Finance ()
BSc International Business Management with Study Abroad (国际工商管理(含海外学习))
BSc Economics and Politics (LL12) (经济学与政治)
BSc Management with Study in Continental Europe (4H56) ()
MSci Business and Management with Innovation (创新的商业和管理理学硕士)
Banking and Finance BA(Hons) (银行及金融)
BSc Finance (N300) ()
PhD Economics ()
Economics, Finance and Management MSc ()
MSc Business Analytics ()
MSc Management (International HRM) ()
MSc Accounting finance and management ()
BSc Economics and Accounting (LN14) (经济学与会计)
BSc Economics and Econometrics (L140) (经济学与计量经济学)
BSc Economics and Finance (LN13) (经济学与金融)
BSc Economics and Management (LN12) (经济学与管理)
BSc Economics and Mathematics (LG11) (经济学与数学)
MSc Management (Operations and Project Management) ()
International Foundation Programme (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) ()
Graduate Diploma in Finance/Management/International Development (硕士预科精英班)
MSc Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship (商业创新与创业理学)
MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship (创新与企业家精神)
MSc Banking, Regulation and Financial Stability (银行、监管与金融稳定)
MRes Economics (经济学)
MSc Economics (经济学)
MSc Management (International Business) (管理学(国际商务))
MSc Management (Project Management) (管理学(项目管理))
MSc Economics and Finance (经济与金融)
MSc Marketing (市场营销)
MSc Economics with Data Science (数据科学经济学)
MSc Business Analytics (商业分析)
MSc Financial Technology (金融技术)
MSc Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
MSc Global Operations and Supply Chain Management (全球运营与供应链管理)
MSc Economics, Finance and Management (经济学、金融与管理)
MSc Management (CSR and Sustainability) (管理学(企业社会责任与可持续发展))
MSc Management (Digitalisation and Big Data) (管理学(数字化与大数据))
MSc Human Resource Management and the Future of Work (人力资源管理与未来工作)
MSc Management (Marketing) (管理学(市场营销))
Management with Innovation ()
MSc Accounting, Finance and Management (会计、金融与管理)
MSc Management (管理)
MSc Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation) (管理学(创业与创新))
MSc Finance and Investment (金融与投资)
MSc East Asian Development and the Global Economy (东亚发展与国际经济)
Sustainable Engineering (Product Development and Advanced Manufacturing) (MSc) ()
MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering (电气电子工程)
BEng Engineering Mathematics (工程数学)
BEng Aerospace Engineering (航空航天工程)
BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering (电气电子工程)
MEng Engineering Mathematics (工程数学)
MEng Engineering Mathematics with Study Abroad (工程数学)
MEng Mechanical Engineering with Study in Continental Europe (机械工程)
MSc Advanced Microelectronic Systems Engineering (高级微电子机械工程)
MSc Sustainable Engineering(Renewable Energy) ()
MEng Aerospace Engineering with Study in Continental Europe (航空航天研究)
MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Study in Continental Europe (电气电子工程)
MEng Engineering Design with Study in Industry (工程设计)
Foundation Certificate for Science and Engineering (科学与工程学基础证书)
BEng Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
MEng Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
MEng Mechanical Engineering with Study Abroad (机械工程)
MSc by Research in Aerospace Engineering ()
MSc Cyber Security (Infrastructures Security) ()
MSc Advanced Composites (高级复合材料)
MSc Communication Networks and Signal Processing (通信网络与信号处理)
MSc Biomedical Engineering (生物医学科学工程)
MSc Image and Video Communications and Signal Processing (图像视频通信与信号处理)
MSc Nuclear Science and Engineering (核科学与工程)
MSc Optical Communications and Signal Processing (光学通信与信号处理)
MSc Water and Environmental Management (水体与环境管理)
MSc Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (无线通信与信号处理)
MSc Geographic Data Science and Spatial Analytics ()
MSc by research Psychology (心理学)
MSc by research Earth Sciences (地球科学)
MSc by research Mathematics (数学)
MSc by research Electrical and Electronic Engineering (电气与电子工程)
MSc by research Biochemistry (生物化学)
MScR Mechanical Engineering (机械工程硕士)
MSc by research Aerospace Engineering:Fluid Flow and Aerodynamics (航空航天工程:流体流动和空气动力学)
MSc by research Aerospace Engineering:Bristol Composites Institute (BCI) (航空航天工程:布里斯托复合材料研究所)
MSc by research Aerospace Engineering:Dynamics and Control (航空航天工程:动力学与控制)
MSc by research Aerospace Engineering:Robotics (航空航天工程:机器人)
MSc by research Chemistry (化学)
MSc by research Civil Engineering (土木工程)
BEng Engineering Design (H165) (工程设计)
MSc Aerospace Engineering (航天航空工程)
MSc by research Cellular and Molecular Medicine (细胞与分子医学)
MSc by research Population Health Sciences (人口健康科学)
MSc by research Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
MSc Structural Engineering (结构工程)
MSc Cyber Security (Software Security) (网络安全(软件安全))
MSc by research Engineering Mathematics (工程数学)
MSc by research Computer Science (计算机科学)
MSc by research Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience (生理学,药理学和神经科学)
MSc by research Aerospace Engineering (航空航天工程)
MEng Civil Engineering with Study in Continental Europe (H201) (土木工程)
MSc Engineering Mathematics (工程数学)
Foundation Certificate-Science and Engineering (London) ()
MSc Engineering with Management ()
BEng Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (机械电子工程)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MSc by research ()
MSc Advanced Composites (高级符合材料)
MEng Civil Engineering (H200) (土木工程)
MSc in Engineering with Management - Energy for Sustainability (工程与管理-可持续能源)
International Foundation Programme - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics pathway (国际预科课程-科技工程与数学方向)
MSc Earthquake Engineering and Infrastructure Resilience (地震工程与基础设施恢复)
MSc Mathematics of Cybersecurity (数学与网络安全)
MSc Optoelectronic and Quantum Technologies ()
BEng Computer Science and Electronics ()
MSc Optoelectronic and Quantum Technologies (光电子与量子技术)
MSc Sustainable Engineering: Civil Engineering and the Built Environment (可持续工程: 土木工程与建筑环境)
MSc Sustainable Engineering: Product Development and Advanced Manufacturing (可持续工程: 产品开发与先进制造)
MSc Engineering with Management (工程与管理)
MSc in Engineering with Management - Intelligent Manufacturing (工程与管理-智能制造)
MSc in Engineering with Management - Infrastructure System (工程与管理-基础设施系统)
MSc Sustainable Engineering: Renewable Energy (可持续工程: 可再生能源)
MSc Robotics (机器人)
BEng Civil Engineering (H205) (土木工程)
MSc Sustainable Engineering (可持续工程)
MSc Data Science (数据科学)
MSc Education (Education and Climate Change) ()
MSc Education (Learning, Technology and Society) (教育(学习、技术与社会))
MSc Education (Policy and International Development) (教育(政策与国际发展))
PGCE Education (Secondary)English (教育(中学)英语)
PGCE Education (Secondary)Chemistry (教育(中学)化学)
MSc Education (Leadership and Policy) (教育(领导与政治))
MSc Education (Neuroscience and Education) (教育(神经系统与教育学))
PhD Education ()
MSc Education (教育)
MSc Education - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (教育 - 对外英语教学)
MSc Education (Special and Inclusive Education) (教育(特殊与包容性教育))
MSc Education Management (Bristol) (教育管理)
MSc Educational Research (教育研究)
PGCE Education (Secondary)Geography (教育(中学)地理)
PGCE Education (Secondary)History (教育(中学)历史)
MSc Education (Teaching and Learning) (教育(教学与学习))
Educational Research MSc (教育研究)
PGCE Education (Secondary)Mathematics (教育(中学)数学)
PGCE Education (Secondary)Modern Foreign Languages (教育(中学)现代外语)
PGCE Education (Secondary)Religious Education (教育(中学)宗教教育)
PGCE Education (Secondary)Biology (教育(中学)生物)
PGCE Education (Secondary)Physics (教育(中学)物理)
BSc Education Studies (教育学)
MSc Education (Open Pathway) ()
BSc Psychology in Education (X301) (教育心理学)
MSc Psychology of Education(BPS) (教育心理学)
Eduction ()
MSc Education (Inclusive Education) ()
MSc Education (Open Pathway) (教育学)
MSc Psychology of Education BPS (教育心理学)
PGCE Education (Secondary)-Religious Education (教育(中学)-宗教教育)
MSc Education (Mathematics Education) (数学教育)
PGCE Education (Secondary)-Modern Foreign Languages (教育(中学)-现代外语)
PGCE Education (Secondary)-Science (教育(中学)-科学)
MRes Education (教育)
MSc Education (Inclusive Education) (教育学)
PGCE Education (Secondary) (教育(中学))
MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (对外英语教学)
MSc Education (Education and Climate Change) (教育学(教育与气候变化))
PGCE Education (Secondary)-English (教育(中学)-英语)
PGCE Education (Secondary)-Geography (教育(中学)-地理)
PGCE Education (Secondary)-History (教育(中学)-历史)
PGCE Education (Secondary)-Mathematics (教育(中学)-数学)
MEng Computer Science with Study Abroad (计算机科学)
MSc Scientific Computing with Data Science (科学计算与数据科学)
BSc Computer Science (计算机科学)
MEng Computer Science and Electronics (计算机科学与电子学)
MEng Computer Science and Electronics with Study Abroad (计算机科学与电子学)
MSc Advanced Computing - Machine Learning, Data Mining and High-Performance Computing (高级计算机 - 机械、数据挖掘与高性能计算)
BSc Data Science ()
MSc Advanced Computing (高级计算)
MSc Advanced Computing - Creative Technology (高级计算机 - 创新技术)
MSc Computer Science (conversion) (计算机科学)
Computer Science ()
MSc Digital and Technological Society (数字与技术社会)
PG Certificate (Postgraduate Certificate) Clinical Neuropsychology Practice (临床神经心理学实践)
MSc Data Science for Business (商业数据科学)
MA Digital Media Innovation (数字媒体创新)
MA Digital Business Innovation (数字商业创新)
MSc Accounting, Accountability and Sustainability (会计,问责制和可持续发展)
MSc Global Health Policy (全球健康政策)
MEng Computer Science with Innovation (G404) (计算机科学)
MEng Computer Science with Study in Continental Europe (G401) (计算机科学)
MSc Aerial Robotics ()
BSc Chemistry with Computing (计算机化学学士)
MSc Immersive Technologies (Virtual and Augmented Reality) (沉浸式技术(虚拟和增强现实))
Computer Science BSc (计算机科学)
PhD Computer Science ()
MEng Computer Science (G403) (计算机科学)
PG Diploma Immersive Technologies (Virtual and Augmented Reality) (沉浸式技术(虚拟和增强现实))
MSc Biorobotics (生物机器人)
BSc Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence ()
MSc Aerial Robotics (航空机器人)
MSc Cyber Security (Infrastructures Security) (网络安全(基础设施安全))
MA Film and Television (电影电视)
Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MA) (创意创新与企业)
MPhil Film and Television (电影与电视)
Music (音乐)
MA Music (音乐)
MA Music:Medieval Music (音乐:中世纪音乐)
MSc Immersive Technologies (Virtual and Augmented Reality) ()
MPhil Music(Musicology) (音乐(音乐学))
MA Creative Writing ()
MMus Music(Composition) (音乐(作曲))
MA Music:Russian Music (音乐:俄罗斯音乐)
MPhil Music (Composition) (音乐(作曲))
MA Music:Performance (音乐:表演)
MA Music:Composition (音乐:作曲)
MA Music:Musicology (音乐: 音乐学)
MPhil Music (音乐)
MA Music: Performance (音乐:表演)
MA Music: Russian Music (音乐:俄罗斯音乐)
MA Composition of Music for Film and Television (影视音乐作曲)
PG Diploma Immersive Arts (Virtual and Augmented Reality) (沉浸式艺术(虚拟与增强现实))
International Foundation Programme - Arts and Humanities pathway (国际预科课程-艺术与人文方向)
MA Music: Composition (音乐:作曲)
MA Music: Medieval Music (音乐:中世纪音乐)
MA Immersive Arts (Virtual and Augmented Reality) (沉浸式艺术(虚拟与增强现实))
BA Anthropology (人类学)
BA Classical Studies (古典研究)
BA Czech and French (捷克语与法律)
BA Czech and Spanish (捷克语与西班牙语)
BA Film and French (电影与法语)
BA French and Italian (法语与意大利语)
BA French and Russian (法语与俄语)
BA German (德语)
BA German and Portuguese (德语与葡萄牙语)
BA German and Spanish (德语与西班牙语)
BA History of Art and German (文学史与德语)
BA History of Art and Portuguese (文学史与葡萄牙语)
BA Italian and Spanish (意大利语与西班牙语)
MLibArts Liberal Arts with Study Abroad (文学)
BA Music and Italian (音乐与意大利语)
BA Philosophy and German (哲学与德语)
BSc Philosophy and Politics (哲学与政治)
BA Politics and Italian (政治与意大利语)
BA Comparative Literatures and Cultures (比较文学与文化)
Graduate Diploma Philosophy (哲学)
BA Ancient History (古代史)
MArts Anthropology with Innovation (人类学)
BA Classics (古典学)
BA Film and English (电影与英语)
BA Film and Italian (电影与意大利语)
BA French and Portuguese (法语与葡萄牙语)
BA French and Spanish (法语与西班牙语)
BA German and Italian (德语与意大利语)
BA German and Russian (德语与俄语)
BA History of Art and Italian (文学史与意大利语)
BA History of Art and Russian (文学史与俄语)
BA Italian and Russian (意大利语与俄语)
BA Philosophy and Italian (哲学与意大利语)
BA Philosophy and Portuguese (哲学与葡萄牙语)
BA Politics and German (政治与德语)
BA Spanish (西班牙语)
BA Theatre and Italian (戏剧与意大利语)
BA Theatre and Portuguese (戏剧与葡萄牙语)
MA Chinese-English Translation (中英翻译)
MA Philosophy and History of Science (哲学与科学史)
MA Translation (翻译)
MA Philosophy:Political Philosophy (哲学:政治哲学)
BA Archaeology and Anthropology (考古学与人类学)
BA Czech and German (捷克语与德语)
BA Czech and Italian (捷克语与意大利语)
BA Czech and Portuguese (捷克语与葡萄牙语)
BA Czech and Russian (捷克语与俄语)
BA Film and Portuguese (电影与葡萄牙语)
BA Film and Spanish (电影与西班牙语)
BA French (法语)
BA French and German (法语与德语)
BA History of Art and Spanish (文学史与西班牙语)
BA Italian (意大利语)
BA Italian and Portuguese (意大利语与葡萄牙语)
BA Modern Languages (现代语言)
BA Music and French (音乐与法语)
BA Music and German (音乐与德语)
BA Philosophy and Russian (哲学与俄语)
BA Philosophy and Spanish (哲学与西班牙语)
BA Philosophy and Theology (哲学与神学)
BA Politics and Portuguese (政治与葡萄牙语)
BA Politics and Russian (政治与俄语)
BA Politics and Spanish (政治与西班牙语)
BA Theatre and Spanish (戏剧与西班牙语)
BA Theology and Sociology (神学与社会学)
BA English and Classical Studies (英语与古典研究)
BA English and Philosophy (英语与哲学)
BA Hispanic Studies (拉丁研究)
BA History (历史)
BA History of Art (文学史)
BA History of Art and French (文学史与法语)
BA Liberal Arts (文学)
BA Philosophy (哲学)
BSc Philosophy and Economics (哲学与经济学)
BA Philosophy and French (哲学与法语)
BA Politics and French (政治与法语)
BA Religion and Theology (宗教与神学)
BA Russian (俄语)
BA Russian and Portuguese (俄语与葡萄牙语)
BA Spanish and Portuguese (西班牙语与葡萄牙语)
BA Theatre and German (戏剧与德语)
BA Theatre and Performance Studies (戏剧与表演研究)
MA Comparative Literatures and Cultures (比较文学与文化)
MA English Literature (英国文学)
MA Philosophy (哲学)
MA Religion (宗教学)
PG Diploma (Postgraduate Diploma) Philosophy ()
MA History (历史)
MA History of Art (艺术史)
MA Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics (逻辑学与数学哲学)
MA Philosophy of Biological and Cognitive Sciences (生物与认知科学哲学)
MSc Contemporary Identities (当代识别)
BA Spanish and Russian (西班牙语与俄语)
BA Theatre and English (戏剧与英语)
BA Theatre and Film (戏剧与电影)
BA Theatre and French (戏剧与法语)
MA Philosophy of Physics (物理哲学)
MA Philosophy:Epistemology and Metaphysics (哲学:认识论和形而上学)
MA Philosophy:Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics (哲学:逻辑与数学哲学)
MA Philosophy:Ethics (哲学:道德)
MA Philosophy:Philosophy of Physics (哲学:物理哲学)
MA Philosophy:Philosophy and History of Science (哲学:哲学与科学史)
MA Philosophy:Philosophy of Biological and Cognitive Sciences (哲学:生物与认知科学哲学)
MA Philosophy: Philosophy of Biological and Cognitive Sciences (哲学:生物与认知科学哲学)
MA Philosophy: Political Philosophy (哲学:政治哲学)
MA Chinese-English Audiovisual Translation (MA Chinese-English Audiovisual Translation)
BA English (Q300) (英语)
MA Anthropology (人类学)
MA Medieval Studies (中世纪研究)
MA Philosophy: Philosophy of Physics (哲学:物理学哲学)
MA Creative Writing (创意写作)
BA Film and Television (4M5N) (电影与电视)
BA Music (W300) (音乐)
BSc International Business Management (N120) (国际商务管理)
PG Certificate Medieval Studies (中世纪研究)
MSc Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship (技术创新与创业)
MSc Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship (社会创新与创业)
MA Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship (创意创新与创业)
MA Black Humanities (黑人人文)
MA Chinese-English Audiovisual Translation (中英视听翻译)
MA Environmental Humanities (环境人文)
MA Philosophy: Ethics (哲学:伦理学)
MA Philosophy: Epistemology and Metaphysics (哲学:认识论与形而上学)
MA Philosophy: Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics (哲学:逻辑学与数学哲学)
MA Philosophy: Philosophy and History of Science (哲学:科学哲学与科学史)
MSc Bioinformatics (生物信息学)
BSc Biology (生物学)
MSci Chemistry (化学)
MSci Chemical Physics with Industrial Experience (化学物理)
MSci Mathematics (数学)
MSci Mathematics and Physics (数学与物理)
MSci Mathematics with Statistics (数学与统计)
BSc Medical Microbiology (医学微生物学)
MSci Neuroscience with Study in Industry (神经科学)
BSc Pharmacology (药理学)
BSc Physics and Philosophy (物理与哲学)
BSc Physics with Astrophysics (物理学与天文学)
PG Diploma (Postgraduate Diploma) Applied Neuropsychology (应用神经心理学)
MSci Biology (生物学)
MSci Chemical Physics (化学物理)
BSc Mathematics with Statistics (数学与统计)
BSc Mathematics with Study in Continental Europe (数学)
BSc Medical Microbiology with Study in Industry (医学微生物学)
BSc Neuroscience (神经科学)
MSci Palaeontology and Evolution (古生物学与进化)
MSci Physics (物理)
MSci Physics and Philosophy (物理与哲学)
MSci Psychology (心理学)
BSc Virology and Immunology with Study in Industry (病毒学与免疫学)
MSci Zoology (动物学)
MSc Mathematical Sciences (数学科学)
PG Diploma (Postgraduate Diploma) Clinical Neuropsychology (临床神经心理学)
BSc Biochemistry with Medical Biochemistry (生物化学与医学生物化学)
BSc Biochemistry (生物化学)
BSc Mathematics and Computer Science (数学与计算机科学)
BSc Mathematics and Philosophy (数学与哲学)
MSci Mathematics and Philosophy (数学与哲学)
BSc Mathematics and Physics (数学与物理)
BSc Physics (物理)
BSc Biochemistry with Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (生物化学与分子生物、生物技术)
BSc Chemical Physics (化学物理)
BSc Cellular and Molecular Medicine (细胞与分子医学)
BSc Cancer Biology and Immunology (癌症生物学与免疫学)
MSci Mathematics with Study in Continental Europe (数学)
MSci Pharmacology with Study in Industry (药理学)
MSci Physics with Astrophysics (物理学与天文学)
MSci Physics with Industrial Experience (物理)
MSci Physics with Study in Continental Europe (物理)
BSc Psychology (心理学)
BSc Virology and Immunology (病毒学与免疫学)
BSc Zoology (动物学)
BSc Biomedical Sciences (B900) (生物医学科学课程)
MSc Applied Neuropsychology (应用神经心理学)
MSc Molecular Neuroscience (分子神经科学)
MSc Clinical Neuropsychology (临床神经心理学)
MSc Palaeobiology (古生物学)
PHD Biological Sciences ()
MSc Biophysics and Molecular Life Sciences (生理学与分子生物科学)
MSc Climate Change Science and Policy (气候变化科学与政策)
MSc Nanoscience and Functional Nanomaterials (纳米科学与功能性纳米材料)
MSc Volcanology (火山学)
Physics MSc by research ()
MSc Global Development and Environment (全球发展与环境)
MSc by research Physics:Materials and Devices (物理:材料与器件)
MSc by research Physics:Quantum and Soft Matter (物理:量子与软物质)
Chemistry MSc by research ()
MSc by research Physics (物理)
MSc by research Biological Sciences (生物科学)
MSc Environmental Modelling and Data Analysis ()
MSc by research Physics:Astrophysics (物理:天体物理学)
MSc by research Physics:Particle Physics (物理:粒子物理学)
MSc by research Veterinary Sciences (兽医学)
MSc by research Physics:Quantum Engineering Technologies (物理:量子工程技术)
MSc by research Physics:Theoretical Physics (物理:理论物理)
BSc Geography with Study Abroad (09F4) (地理学)
BSc Geology (F600) (地质学)
BSc Chemistry (F100) (化学)
BSc Mathematics (G100) (数学)
MSc Experimental Psychology (Conversion) ()
MScR in Earth Science ()
BSc Geology and Biology (地质学与生物学)
Biochemistry MSc by research ()
MSci Theoretical Physics (理论物理学)
BSc Geophysics (F661) (地球物理学)
MSc Biorobotics ()
BSc Geography with Study in Continental Europe (F801) (地理学)
MSci Environmental Geoscience with Study Abroad (F644) (环境地质科学)
MSci Geology (F603) (地质学)
MSc Science Communication for a Better Planet ()
MSc Geographic Data Science and Spatial Analytics (地理数据科学与空间分析)
BSc Environmental Geoscience (F640) (环境地质科学)
BSc Geography (F800) (地理学)
BSc Geography with Quantitative Research Methods (F802) (地理学与量化研究法)
MSci Environmental Geoscience (F641) (环境地质科学)
MSci Geography with Quantitative Research Methods (F804) (地理学与量化研究法)
MSc Environmental Analytical Chemistry ()
MSc Environmental Modelling and Data Analysis (环境建模与数据分析)
MSc Environmental Analytical Chemistry (环境分析化学)
MSc Bioinformatics (生物信息)
MSc Environmental Policy and Management (环境政策与管理)
MSc Psychology (Conversion) (心理学)
MSc Biomedical Sciences Research (生物医学科学研究)
MRes Advanced Quantitative Methods (高级定量)
MSci Geology with Study Abroad (F609) (地质学)
MSci Geophysics (F662) (地球物理学)
Veterinary Sciences ()
MSc Financial Technology with Data Science (数据科学金融技术)
MSc Digital Health (数字健康)
MSc Science Communication for a Better Planet (科学传播促进更美好的地球)
BSc Veterinary Nursing and Companion Animal Behaviour ()
BSc Applied Anatomy (B112) ()
PhD Exercise, Nutrition and Health (运动,营养与健康)
MSc by Research Biological Sciences ()
MSc by research Translational Health Sciences (转化健康科学)
MSc Digital Health ()
MSc by research Oral and Dental Sciences (口腔及牙科科学)
MSc by research Neuroscience (神经科学)
International Foundation Programme for Dentistry ()
PHD Psychology ()
BSc Physiological Science (B120) (生理学)
MSc Medical Statistics and Health Data Science (医学统计与健康数据科学)
MSc Public Health (公共卫生)
MSc Epidemiology (流行病学)
MSc Nutrition, Physical Activity and Public Health (营养、体育活动与公共卫生)
MSc Global Wildlife Health and Conservation (全球野生动物健康与保护)
MSc Health Economics and Health Policy Analysis (卫生经济学与卫生政策分析)
MRes Health Sciences Research (健康科学)
Public Health (MPH) ()
MSc Society, Politics and Climate Change (社会政治与气候变化)
Criminology ()
MSc Development and Security (发展与安全)
MSc Gender and International Relations (性别与国际关系)
MSc Social and Cultural Theory (社会与文化理论)
MSc Social Work (社会工作)
Social Work PhD ()
MA Environmental Humanities ()
MA Medieval Studies ()
PG Diploma Ethnicity and Multiculturalism (民族与多文化主义)
MSc Disability Studies: Inclusive Theory and Research (残疾研究:包容性理论与研究)
MSc Social Work Research (社会工作研究)
MSc Socio-Legal Studies (社会-法律研究)
MSc International Security (国际安全)
MSc Policy Research (政策研究)
MA Immersive Arts (Virtual and Augmented Reality) ()
MSc Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship ()
MSc Health Economics and Health Policy Analysis ()
MSc Ethnicity and Multiculturalism (民族与多文化主义)
MSc European and Global Governance (欧洲与全球治理)
MSc Social Science Research Methods (Sociology) (社会科学研究法(社会学))
MSc Sociology (社会学)
MSc Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding (解决冲突与建设和平)
MPhil Translation (翻译)
MPhil Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (西班牙语、葡萄牙语和拉丁美洲研究)
MPhil History (历史)
MPhil French (法语)
MPhil Film and Television (电影电视)
MPhil Medieval Studies (中世纪研究)
MPhil Creative Writing (创意写作)
MPhil Philosophy:philosophy of medicine and biology (哲学:医学和生物学的哲学)
International Foundation Programme (Social Sciences and Law) ()
MSc Human Resource Management and the Future of Work ()
MSc Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship (社会化创新和创业)
MSc International Business and Strategy: Global Challenges (国际商业与战略:全球挑战)
MA User Experience Design and Innovation (用户体验设计与创新)
MPhil Comparative Literatures and Cultures (比较文学与文化)
MPhil Theatre and Performance (戏剧和表演)
MPhil History of Art (艺术历史)
MPhil Innovation and Entrepreneurship (创新与创业)
LLM Law, Innovation and Technology ()
MSc Interpreting (翻译)
MPhil Classics and Ancient History (经典和古代历史)
MPhil German (德语)
MPhil Anthropology and Archaeology (人类学与考古学)
MPhil Italian (意大利语)
MPhil Russian (俄语)
MPhil Philosophy (哲学)
MPhil Philosophy:ethics and political philosophy (哲学:伦理与政治哲学)
MPhil Philosophy:metaphysics of science (哲学:科学的形而上学)
MSc Public Health ()
BSc International Social and Public Policy (国际社会与政治政策)
MPhil Linguistics (语言学)
MPhil Innovation and Entrepreneurship:Entrepreneurship (创新与创业:创业)
MPhil Innovation and Entrepreneurship:Design innovation (创新与创业:设计创新)
BSc Accounting and Finance with Study in Continental Europe (NN34) (会计与管理)
BSc Politics and International Relations with Study Abroad (L201) (政治与国际管理)
BSc Politics with Quantitative Research Methods (L202) (政治与量化研究法)
BSc Social Policy and Politics (LL42) (社会政策与政治)
BSc Social Policy with Criminology (LM49) (社会政策与犯罪学)
MSci Sociology with Quantitative Research Methods (L303) (社会学与量化研究法)
Master in Research Social Research (Sustainable Futures) ()
MPhil English Literature (英国文学)
International Foundation Programme - Social Sciences and Law pathway (国际预科课程-社会科学与法律方向)
MRes Global Political Economy (全球政治经济)
BSc Childhood Studies (L520) (儿童研究)
BSc Childhood Studies with Management (L524) (儿童研究与管理)
BSc Childhood Studies with Quantitative Research Methods (L522) (儿童研究与量化研究法)
BSc Politics and Sociology (LL23) (政治与社会学)
BSc Social Policy with Quantitative Research Methods (L402) (社会政策与量化研究法)
BSc Accounting and Finance (NN43) (会计与金融)
BSc Accounting and Management (NN42) (会计与管理)
BSc Politics and International Relations (L200) (政治与国际管理)
BSc Social Policy and Sociology (LL43) (社会政策与社会学)
BSc Social Policy with Management (LN42) (社会政策与管理)
BSc Sociology with Study Abroad (L301) (社会学)
MSci Politics with Quantitative Research Methods (L203) (政治与量化研究法)
MPhil Philosophy:philosophy of science (哲学:科学哲学)
MPhil Philosophy:philosophy of mathematics and logic (哲学:数学和逻辑哲学)
MPhil Philosophy:epistemology, philosophy of mind and language (哲学:认识论,心灵和语言的哲学)
MPhil Religion and Theology (宗教与神学)
MSc Social Science Research Methods (Politics) (社会科学研究法(政治学/国际关系))
BSc Social Policy (L400) (社会政策)
MSc Social Science Research Methods (Management) (社会科学研究法(管理学))
MSc Contemporary Identities (当代身份)
MSc International Relations (国际关系)
MSc International Development (国际发展)
MSc Social Science Research Methods (Politics) (社会科学研究法(政治学))
BSc Sociology (L300) (社会学)
BSc Sociology and Philosophy (LV35) (社会学与哲学)
BSc Sociology with Quantitative Research Methods (L302) (社会学与量化研究法)
MSci Childhood Studies with Quantitative Research Methods (L523) (儿童研究与量化研究法)
MSci Social Policy with Quantitative Research Methods (L403) (社会政策与量化研究法)
MA Anthropology ()
MSc Human Geography: Society and Space (人文地理:社会与空间)
MSc Public Policy (公共政策)
MRes Sustainable Futures (可持续未来)
BDS Dentistry (牙医学)
MB ChB Medicine (医学)
Dip Dental Hygiene (牙科卫生)
BVSc Veterinary Science (兽医科学)
MSc Reproduction and Development (再生与发育)
BSc Veterinary Nursing and Bioveterinary Science (兽医护理与兽医生物技术)
MSc Oral Medicine (MSc Oral Medicine)
MSc Transfusion and Transplantation Sciences (输血与移植科学)
MSc Stem Cells and Regeneration (干细胞与再生)
MSc Medical Statistics and Health Data Science ()
Biochemistry MD ()
Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience ()
MSc Epidemiology (流行病学硕士)
MSc Translational Cardiovascular Medicine (移植性心血管医学)
MSc Oral Medicine (口腔医学)
PG Diploma (Postgraduate Diploma) Orthodontic Therapy (正畸治疗)
LLM(General Legal Studies) ()
LLM Law - International Law and International Relations (法律 - 国际法律与国际关系)
LLM Law - Law and Globalisation (法律 - 法律与全球化)
LLM Law - Employment, Work and Equality ()
LLM Law -General Legal Studies (法学硕士-一般法律研究)
LLM Law Commercial Law (法律 商法)
LLM Law - Commercial Law (法学硕士-商法)
LLM Law - Banking and Finance Law (法学硕士-银行和金融法)
LLM Law - Health, Law and Society (法律 - 健康、法律与社会)
LLM Law - Labour Law and Corporate Governance (法律 - 劳动法与企业管理)
MA Law (法律)
MSc Management (Entrepreneurship) (管理(企业家精神))
LLM Law - Public Law (法律 - 公共法)
PhD Law ()
LLM Law - (法律 -)
LLM Law - European Legal Studies (法律 - 欧洲法律研究)
LLM Law - General Legal Studies (法律 - 一般法研究)
LLM Law - Human Rights Law (法律 - 人权法)
LLM Law - Human Rights Law (法学硕士-人权法)
LLM Law - International Law (法学硕士-国际法)
MSc Internet of Things with AI (物联网与人工智能)
LLM Law - International Law and International Relations (法学硕士-国际法和国际关系)
LLM Law International Commercial Law (法律 - 国际商法)
LLM Law - Employment, Work and Equality (法学硕士-就业,工作和平等)
LLM Law - Health, Law and Society (法学硕士-健康,法律和社会)
LLM Law - Company Law and Corporate Governance (法学硕士-公司法和公司治理)
LLM Law - Banking and Finance Law ()
LLM Law - International Commercial Law (法学硕士-国际商法)
BSc Criminology ()
LLB Law (M100) (法律)
LLB Law and French (MR11) (法律与法语)
LLM Law - Company Law and Corporate Governance ()
MSc Oral Medicine and Pathology (口腔医学与病理)
LLB Law with Study Abroad (法律)
LLB Law with Study in Continental Europe (法律)
LLB Law and German (MR12) (法律与德语)
LLM Health, Law and Society (健康、法律与社会法学)
LLM International Law (国际法)
LLM Banking and Finance Law (银行与金融法)
LLM Company Law and Corporate Governance (公司法与公司治理)
LLM Law, Innovation and Technology (法律、创新与技术)
LLM Commercial Law (商业法)
LLM General Legal Studies (法律常识)
LLM International Commercial Law (国际商法)
LLM Employment, Work and Equality (就业、工作与平等法)
LLM International Law and International Relations (国际法与国际关系)
LLM Human Rights Law (人权法)
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