Durham University
杜伦大学占地227.8公顷,其中包括1个联合国教科文组织世界 文化遗产,1座古代纪念碑,5个登记在册的一级文物保护建筑物,68个登记在册的二级文物保护建筑物以及44.9公顷的森林。整个学校分为两个校区:杜伦市校区和斯托克顿的女王校区。这两个校区可以通过全周无休的免费巴士频繁往返。 杜伦校区主要的公共景点之一是建于1970年的面积为7.3公顷的植物园,截至到2007年8月它总计接待了78,000名参观者。 杜伦大学是一所学院制的大学。该校的学院是寄宿制学院,为学生参加社会与学术活动提供了极佳的场所。各学院不负责教学,教学由各系主管。但学院不只是为学生提供住宿,同时也组织迪斯科、艺术展览、客座讲学以及音乐会等各种活动。该校给每位学生都配备一名学院导师,在学习和生活方面给予他们帮助。 杜伦市校区 杜伦市校区是杜伦大学的主要校区,它包括总共16个学院中的14个以及大部分的学系。杜伦市校区本身又分为几个不同片区。科学区包括绝大多数的学系,大型阶梯教室例如阿普尔比、斯卡伯勒、詹姆斯·达夫、海伍德、以及新建的卡尔曼学习中心和大学主图书馆(Appleby、Scarborough、James Duff、Heywood、the Calman Learning Centre)。蒙乔伊区(Mountjoy,包括心理学院、生物及生物医学学院、以及各种各样的研究中心。旧埃尔韦区(Old Elvet)含有一部分人文与社会科学学系,包括哲学与社会学。这也是现行的大学行政管理中心所在地,不过从2012年开始将从旧希尔礼堂(Old Shire Hall)迁至斯托克顿路上耗资4,800万英磅新建的学生服务大楼(Student Services building on Stockton Road from)。 女王校区 女王校区成立于1992年,它位于距离杜伦市校区30分钟的蒂斯河畔斯托克顿镇。该校区约有2,000名全日制学生,拥有2个学院(约翰·斯诺学院和斯蒂芬孙学院),沃尔夫森研究所也坐落于这里。只有少数科目需要在女王校区学习。现有课程包括:医学(与纽卡斯尔大学共享)、生物医学、会计、商科和金融、应用心理学、小学教育和人文科学。学校购买了位于斯托克顿北岸面积为4英亩(16000平方米)的地块,计划用于发展女王校区的学术机构,并且寻求再新建一个学院的可能性。连接女王校区和主校区的巴士线路单程通常需要45
起源 995年 杜伦大教堂开始建造。[9] 1072年 杜伦城堡开始建造(现存全球最古老大学建筑)。 1130年 杜伦大教堂建成。 1286年 牛津大学杜伦学堂(Durham Hall, Oxford)由杜伦主教出资成立,用于培养来自英格兰北方的神职人员,后更名为牛津大学杜伦学院(Durham College, Oxford)。 1541年 亨利八世提议在杜伦建立“北方”大学但未果。 1555年 牛津大学杜伦学院被解散,其教室、宿舍、图书充入在原址成立的牛津大学三一学院(Trinity College, Oxford)。 1657年 克伦威尔颁发特许状,授予杜伦发放学位的权力,但被牛津和剑桥驳回。 1669年 卡津主教(Bishop Cosin)捐赠图书建立公共图书馆。 1832年 议会通过法案正式成立杜伦大学,并于7月4日获得皇家许可;同年,第一所住宿学院大学学院(University College, Durham)成立。 1834年 纽卡斯尔国王学院(King's College Newcastle)开设医学专业并和并入杜伦大学。 1834年 杜伦大学开始划艇比赛(Durham Regatta)。 1837年 杜伦大学被授予皇家特许状(Royal Charter),一周后第一批学生毕业并授予学位;同年,杜伦城堡被正式移交给杜伦大学。
杜伦大学16所学院中的任何一所就读的学生都可以在包餐在宿舍内住宿。每所学院均为多学科住宿式学院,学生人数在300至1,000,校园内建有宿舍、图书馆、计算机房、体育与社交设施。这14所学院中有一所为女学院,其它均为男女同校。研究生院能够提供自炊式宿舍供已婚及未婚的学生居住。外国留学生助理将在学期开学之前以及学期中间向留学生提供建议与帮助,并在学年开学之际组织入学教育活动。留学生协会将帮助外国留学生适应校内生活,组织各类社交活动。 杜伦大学校内有羽毛球、篮球、板球、足球、曲棍球、划船等各种体育运动设施,杜伦市内建有良好的购物设施以及多家银行,杜伦距离纽卡斯尔,桑德兰两地均很近,在这两座城市内不仅各式一流的商店、餐馆鳞次栉比,而且文化名胜不胜枚举
被学院或协会录取的所有本科生,本校保证安排他们 第一年的住宿。除了研究生协会外,杜伦所有的学院都提供伙食全包的住宿,再加图书馆、计算机设施、洗衣装置和带电视的公用房间。绝大多数的学生都住在书房兼卧室单间内,但某些学院的学生在第一学年的至少一个学期中,有可能与人合住。在合住的公寓内,学生合用厨房和公用场所。住在伙食全包宿舍楼内的穆斯林学生,在斋月来临之前的几周内,要与学院的财务主管联系,讨论斋月期间的伙食安排。学校通常要求二年级学生选择住在私人住房内。住宿办公室人员在杜伦大学校园的Dunelm大楼,和Stockton校园的Holliday大楼内办公,他们可以帮助学生找到合适的住房。许多最后一年的学生又回到包伙食的校园宿舍居住
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics MSc (环境与自然资源经济)
Public Economics MSc (公共经济学)
Management (Entrepreneurship) (管理(企业))
Accounting and Finance with Study Abroad BA (会计与金融)
Business and Management with Study Abroad BA (商务与管理)
Economics with Management with Business Placement BA (经济学与管理)
Economics with Study Abroad BA (经济学含国外学习)
Finance with Study Abroad BSc (金融含国外学习)
Marketing with Business Placement BA (市场营销)
Accounting and Finance with Business Placement BA (会计与金融)
Accounting and Management BA (会计与管理)
Economics with Management with Study Abroad BA (经济学与管理含国外学习)
Finance with Foundation BSc (金融含基础课程)
Management (Entrepreneurship) (管理学(企业家精神))
Experimental Economics MSc (实验经济学)
Accounting and Management with Foundation BA (会计与管理)
Accounting and Management with Study Abroad BA (会计与管理)
Economics and Politics BA (经济学与政治)
Economics with Business Placement BA (经济学)
Economics with French BA (经济学与法语)
Finance (Corporate and International Finance) MSc (金融(公司与国际金融))
Business and Management BA (商务与管理)
Business and Management with Business Placement BA (商务与管理)
Finance BSc (金融)
Finance with Business Placement BSc (金融)
Management (Finance) (管理(金融))
Management (Entrepreneurship) (管理(创业))
Finance (Finance and Investment) (金融(金融与投资))
Economics with Management BA (经济学与管理)
Economics BA (经济学)
Plant Biotechnology and Enterprise (植物生物技术和企业)
Finance (Corporate and International Finance) (金融(公司和国际金融))
Accounting MSc ()
business and management with placement year ()
BSc Accounting (会计)
Business Development MBA (商业开发)
Accounting and Finance with Placement Year BA ()
Phd in Durham University Business School (商学院博士生学位)
MSc Management( International Business) (管理理学硕士(国际商务))
Finance (Accounting and Finance) (金融(会计与金融))
Economics with Foundation BA (经济学含预科)
International Foundation Year Business, Economics, Accounting and Finance (本科预科-商务、经济、会计与金融方向)
Pre-Masters in Business, Economics, Accounting and Finance (硕士预科-商务经济会计与金融方向)
MSC Finance (Finance and Investment) (金融(金融和投资))
Master of Business Administration MBA (工商管理)
Management (International Business) (管理(国际商务))
Pre-master ()
MSc Finance (Financial Technology and Banking) (金融(金融技术和银行业务))
Management (管理学)
Finance (金融)
Marketing and Management with Study Abroad (市场营销与管理(含海外学习))
Business and Management with Study Abroad (商科与管理学(含海外学习))
Accounting and Finance with Placement Year (会计学与金融(含实习))
Finance (Economics and Finance) (金融(经济学与金融))
Accounting and Management (会计学与管理)
Economics with Study Abroad (经济学(含海外学习))
Accounting and Management with Study Abroad (会计学与管理学(含海外学习))
Accounting (会计学)
Business and Management with Placement Year (商科与管理(含实习))
Accounting and Management with Placement Year (会计学与管理(含实习))
Economics and Politics (经济学与政治)
Business and Management (商业与管理)
Marketing and Management (市场营销与管理)
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (哲学,政治与经济学)
Economics with Management with Study Abroad (经济学与管理学(含海外学习))
Finance with Study Abroad (金融(含海外学习))
Accounting with Placement Year (会计学(含实习))
Economics with Placement Year (经济学 (含实习))
Economics (经济学)
Finance (Economics and Finance) (金融(经济与金融))
Finance MSc (金融学)
Finance with Placement Year (金融(含实习))
Marketing and Management with Placement Year (市场营销与管理(含实习))
Behavioural Economics (行为经济学)
Economics with French (经济学与法语)
Accounting and Finance with Study Abroad (会计学与金融(含海外学习))
Economics with Management with Placement Year (经济学与管理(含实习))
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics:Microeconometrics (环境与自然资源经济学:微观计量经济学)
Finance (金融学)
Finance (Financial Technology and Banking) (金融(金融科技与银行))
Master of Business Administration MBA-Entrepreneurship Pathway (工商管理-创业)
MSc Human Resource Management ()
Finance (Financial Technology and Banking) (金融(金融技术与银行业务))
Marketing (市场营销)
Finance (Accounting and Finance) (金融(会计及财务))
Accounting MSc (会计)
Business Analytics (商业分析)
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (环境与自然资源经济学)
Finance (Corporate and International Finance) (金融学(企业与国际金融))
MSc Management (Entrepreneurship) ()
Marketing and Management with Foundation BA (市场与管理(含预科))
Islamic Finance and Management MSc (伊斯兰金融及管理)
MSc Finance (International Money, Finance and Investment) (金融(国际货币、金融与投资))
Accounting and Finance BA (会计与金融)
Marketing and Management with Placement Year BA ()
Business and Management with Foundation BA (商务与管理)
MSc Management (Management Consulting) ()
Management (International Business) (管理学(国际商务))
Management (Supply Chain Logistics) (管理(供应链物流))
Finance (Finance and Investment) (金融(金融与投资))
Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics:Times-Series Analysis (环境与自然资源经济学:时间序列分析)
Finance (Finance and Investment) (金融(金融及投资))
Master of Business Administration MBA-Consultancy Pathway (工商管理-咨询)
Master of Business Administration MBA-Technology Pathway (工商管理-技术)
MSc - International Business ()
MSc Management (Finance) ()
MSc Economics ()
MBA Master of Business Administration (工商管理硕士)
Accounting and Finance (会计学与金融)
Business Analytic (商业分析)
Business Analytics MSc ()
Islamic Finance MSc (伊斯兰金融)
MSc Finance (Economics and Finance) (金融(经济与金融))
Scientific Computing and Data Analysis MSc (科学计算和数据分析硕士学位)
BA Economics (经济学)
BA Marketing and Management (市场营销与管理)
Management & Finance MSc ()
Management (Entrepreneurship) MSc ()
General Engineering BEng (系统工程学)
General Engineering MEng (系统工程学)
General Engineering with Foundation BEng (系统工程学含基础课程)
Energy Systems Management (电能管理系统)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy ()
Engineering(Electronic) ()
Engineering (Civil) BEng ()
Energy Engineering Management (能源工程管理)
MSc Electronic Engineering ()
Science and Engineering (科学与工程)
International Foundation Year Science and Engineering (本科预科-人文、理学与工程方向)
Pre-Masters in Science and Engineering (硕士预科-理学与工程方向)
Civil Engineering (土木工程)
New and Renewable Energy MSc (新能源与可再生能源)
Engineering (Mechanical) BEng (工程(机械))
Engineering (Aeronautical) MEng (工程(航空学)本硕连读)
General Engineering MEng (系统工程学(本硕连读))
Electronic Engineering (电子工程)
Engineering (Civil) MEng (工程(土木)本硕连读)
Engineering (Electrical) MEng (工程(电气)本硕连读)
Engineering (Renewable Energy) MEng (工程(可再生能源)本硕连读)
Engineering (Civil) BEng (工程(土木))
Engineering (Electronic) BEng (工程(电子))
Advanced Mechanical Engineering (高级机械工程)
Engineering (Electrical) BEng (工程(电气))
Engineering (Electronic) MEng (工程(电子)本硕连读)
Engineering (Mechanical) MEng (工程(机械)本硕连读)
Electrical Engineering (电气工程)
MSC Electrical Engineering ()
Biomedical Engineering (生物医学工程)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy (可再生和可持续能源)
Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc (高级机械工程)
Electrical Engineering (机械工程)
Electronic Engineering MSc (电子工程)
Education Studies - Sociology BA (教育研究 - 社会学)
Education Studies with Foundation BA (教育研究含基础课程)
TESOL MA (对外英语教学)
Education Studies - English Studies BA (教育研究 - 英语研究)
Education Studies - Psychology BA (教育研究 - 心理学)
Education Studies - Theology and Religion BA (教育研究 - 神学与宗教)
Education Studies - Geography BA (教育研究 - 地理学)
Education Studies - History BA (教育研究 - 历史)
Education Studies - Music BA (教育研究 - 音乐)
Education Studies - Philosophy BA (教育研究 - 哲学)
Primary Education BAE (小学教育)
Education (Primary) PGCE (小学教育)
PGCE Secondary (International) (中学教育(国际))
Master of Behavioural Science ()
Research Methods (Education) MA (研究法(教育))
PGCE Secondary - MFL (中学教育(MFL))
Educational Leadership and Change MA (教育领导与变革)
BA Education Studies-Psychology (教育研究-心理学)
PGCE Primary (International) PGCE (小学教育(国际))
PGCE Primary (International) (小学教育 (国际))
PGCE Secondary - History (中学教育(历史))
Education - Primary (School Direct Route) (小学教育 (学校直通))
Education (Primary) (教育(小学))
PHD of Education (教育)
PGCE Secondary - Geography (中学教育(地理))
PGCE Secondary - English (中学教育(英语))
MA International Education ()
禁用Education ()
Education MA ()
Primary Education with Foundation BAE (小学教育含预科课程)
BA Primary Education (小学教育)
TESOL and Applied Linguistics (TESOL和应用语言学)
PGCE Secondary - Mathematics (中学教育(数学))
Primary Education (小学教育)
PGCE Secondary - Chemistry (中学教育(化学))
PGCE Secondary - Physics (中学教育(物理))
Research Methods (Developmental Psychology) (研究法 (发展心理学))
Research Methods (Behavioural Science) (研究法 (行为学))
BA Education Studies (教育研究)
Education Studies - Sociology (教育研究-社会学)
Education Studies - Geography (教育研究-地理学)
TESOL and Applied Linguistics (TESOL 和应用语言学)
Educational Leadership and Change (教育领导与变革)
Research Methods (Education) (研究方法(教育))
Education - Secondary (School Direct Route) (中学教育 (学校直通))
Research Methods (Anthropology) (研究法(人类学))
Educational Leadership and Change:Psychological Perspectives on Learning (教育领导与变革:学习的心理学视角)
Educational Leadership and Change:Education Policy and Evaluation (教育领导与变革:教育政策与评价)
Educational Leadership and Change:Language, Education and Power (教育领导与变革:语言、教育和权力)
PGCE Secondary - Physics (中学教育-物理)
PGCE Secondary - Geography (中学教育-地理)
PGCE Secondary - MFL (中学教育- MFL)
PGCE Secondary - Biology (中学教育(生物))
PGCE Secondary - Physical Education (中学教育(体育))
TESOL and Applied Linguistics:TESOL pathway (TESOL 和应用语言学:TESOL)
TESOL and Applied Linguistics:Applied Linguistics pathway (TESOL 和应用语言学:应用语言学)
Education (教育)
Intercultural Communication and Education (国际交流与教育)
PGCE Secondary - MFL (中学教育(现代外语))
PGCE Secondary - History (中学教育-历史)
Pre-sessional Language Course (Pre-sessional Language Course)
Educational Leadership and Change:The Case for Higher Education (教育领导与变革:高等教育的理由)
Educational Leadership and Change:Digital Technologies and Education: Critical Perspectives (教育领导与变革:数字技术与教育:批判视角)
Educational Leadership and Change:International Development and Education in a Global World (教育领导与变革:全球化世界中的国际发展与教育)
Educational Leadership and Change:Leading Change in Educational Organisations (教育领导与变革:领导教育机构的变革)
PGCE Secondary - Chemistry (中学教育-化学)
PGCE Secondary - English (中学教育-英语)
PGCE Secondary - Mathematics (中学教育-数学)
PGCE Secondary - Physical Education (中学教育-物理教育)
Educational Leadership and Change:Enhancing Teaching and Learning for Purposeful Productive Thought (教育领导与变革:加强教与学,促进有目的、有成效的思考)
PGCE Secondary - Biology (中学教育-生物学)
Applied Linguistics for TESOL MA (应用语言学(对外英语教学))
Scientific Computing and Data Analysis (Earth and Environmental Sciences) MSc (科学计算与数据分析(地球与环境科学))
Master of Data Science (Bioinformatics and Biological Modelling) MDS (数据科学(生物信息与生物模型))
Master of Data Science (Social Analytics) (数据科学(社会分析))
Master of Data Science (Health) MDS (数据科学(健康))
PhD - Computer Science (计算机科学)
Master of Data Science (Earth and Environment) ()
Computer Science MEng (计算机科学)
Computer Science with Foundation BSc (计算机科学含基础课程)
Software Development for Business BSc (商务软件发展)
MSc Scientific Computing and Data Analysis (Robotics and Computer Vision) (MSc Scientific Computing and Data Analysis (Robotics and Computer Vision))
Scientific Computing and Data Analysis (科学计算和数据分析)
Scientific Computing and Data Analysis (Earth and Environmental Sciences) (科学计算和数据分析(地球和环境科学))
Master of Data Science (Digital Humanities) MDS (数据科学(电子人文))
Scientific Computing and Data Analysis (Financial Technology) (科学计算和数据分析(金融技术))
Master of Data Science (Digital Humanities) (数据科学 (数字人文))
Internet Systems and E-Business MSc (网络与电子商务)
Engineering (Electrical) BEng ()
Scientific Computing and Data Analysis (Financial Technology) MSc ()
MSc Scientific Computing and Data Analysis (Computer Vision and Robotics) (科学计算和数据分析(计算机视觉和机器人))
Mathematics and Statistics ()
Master of Data Science (Bioinformatics and Biological Modelling) (数据科学 (生物信息学和生物建模))
Master of Data Science (Social Analytics) (数据科学 (社会分析))
Master of Data Science (Earth and Environment) (数据科学 (地球与环境))
Master of Data Science (Health) (数据科学(健康))
Master of Data Science (数据科学)
Master of Data Science (Social Analytics) (数据科学硕士(社会分析))
Master of Data Science (Earth and Environment) (数据科学硕士(地球与环境))
Computer Science BSc (计算机科学)
Computer Science MEng (计算机科学(本硕连读))
Master of Data Science (Health) (数据科学硕士(健康))
Scientific Computing and Data Analysis (Computer Vision and Robotics) (科学计算和数据分析(计算机视觉和机器人技术))
MSc Climate, Risk and Society ()
Master of Data Science (Bioinformatics and Biological Modelling) (数据科学硕士(生物信息学与生物建模))
Scientific Computing and Data Analysis (Astrophysics) (科学计算和数据分析(天体物理学))
Master of Data Science (Digital Humanities) (数据科学硕士(数字人文))
PHD in Applied & Computational Mathematics (应用与计算数学)
Scientific Computing and Data Analysis (Earth and Environmental Sciences) (科学计算与数据分析(地球与环境科学))
Scientific Computing and Data Analysis (Financial Technology) (科学计算与数据分析(金融技术))
Master of Data Science (Bioinformatics and Biological Modelling) (数据科学硕士(生物信息学和生物建模))
Advanced Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) MSc ()
MSc Advanced Computer Science ()
Music with Foundation BA (音乐含基础课程)
Music BA (音乐)
Masters in Performance ()
Music MA ()
Visual Arts and Film (视觉艺术及电影)
Music (音乐)
Music:Performance (音乐:表演)
Music:Composition (音乐:作曲)
Visual Culture (视觉文化)
Music MA(Ethnomusicology) (音乐硕士(民族音乐学))
Music MA(Composition) (音乐硕士(作曲))
Music MA(Music Psychology) (音乐硕士(音乐心理学))
Music MA(Musicology) (音乐硕士(音乐学))
Music:Musicology (音乐:音乐学)
Music:Ethnomusicology (音乐:民族音乐学)
Music:Music Psychology (音乐:音乐心理学)
Ancient, Medieval and Modern History BA (古代、中世纪与现代史)
History BA (历史)
Ancient Philosophy MA (古代哲学)
English Literary Studies MA (英国文学研究)
Romantic and Victorian Literary Studies MA (浪漫主义与维多利亚文学研究)
Classics BA (古典学)
Ancient History BA (古代史)
English Literature BA (英国文学)
English with Foundation BA (英国文学含基础课程)
Religion, Society and Culture BA (宗教、社会与文化)
Social and Economic History (Research Methods) MA (社会与经济史(研究方法))
Creative Writing MA (创意写作)
Greece, Rome and the Near East (希腊、罗马与近东)
Medieval and Early Modern Studies (中世纪和早期现代研究)
Arab World Studies (阿拉伯世界研究)
BA Japanese Studies with Year Abroad (日语研究(含海外学习))
Ancient, Medieval and Modern History BA (古代、中世纪和现代史)
Modern European Languages and History with Year Abroad (现代欧洲语言与历史(含海外学习))
Medieval and Renaissance Literary Studies (中世纪和文艺复兴时期文学研究)
Chinese Studies with Year Abroad (中文研究(含海外学习))
Studies in Poetry MA (诗歌研究)
Romantic and Victorian Literary Studies (浪漫主义和维多利亚文学研究)
Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literary Studies (二十世纪和二十一世纪文学研究)
English Literary Studies (英语文学研究)
Global History (全球历史)
Languages, Literatures and Cultures (语言、文学和文化)
Languages, Literatures and Cultures (语言,文学与文化)
Modern Languages and Cultures with Year Abroad (现代语言与文化(含海外学习))
Liberal Arts BA (文学艺术)
Biblical Studies MA (圣经研究)
Translation Studies (翻译研究)
Social and Economic History (Research Methods) (社会与经济史(研究方法))
Classics (古典学)
Creative Writing (创意写作)
History (历史)
Biological Sciences with Foundation BSc (生物科学含基础课程)
Chemistry BSc (化学)
Earth Sciences MSci (地球科学)
Geography with Foundation BA (地理学含基础课程)
Mathematics with Foundation BSc (数学含基础课程)
Philosophy with Foundation BA (哲学含基础课程)
Physics BSc (物理)
Biosciences MBiol (生物医学)
Natural Sciences MSci (自然科学)
Geography with Foundation BSc (地理学含基础课程)
Geology BSc (地质学)
Mathematics MMath (数学)
Physics MPhys (物理)
Psychology BSc (心理学)
BSc (Hons) Earth Sciences ()
Psychological and Behavioural Science ()
BSc Biochemistry ()
Biochemistry (生物化学)
Geography (Research Methods) MA (地理学(研究方法))
Natural Sciences BSc (自然科学)
Physics and Astronomy MPhys (物理与天文)
Biological Sciences BSc (生物科学)
Chemistry MChem (化学)
Chemistry (Industrial Route) MChem (化学)
Chemistry (International Route) MChem (化学)
Chemistry with Foundation BSc (化学含基础课程)
Geography BSc (地理学)
Geography BA (地理学)
Physics with Foundation BSc (物理含基础课程)
Psychology and Anthropology ()
Geophysics with Geology BSc (地球物理学与地质学)
Geoscience BSc (地球科学)
Mathematics BSc (数学)
Psychology with Foundation BSc (心理学)
Master of Plant Biotechnology and Enterprise (植物生物技术与企业硕士)
Developmental Psychopathology MSc (发展性精神病理学)
Risk MSc (风险)
Biosciences MBiol (生物科学(本硕连读))
MSC Sustainability, Energy and Development (可持续发展、能源和发展)
Global and Planetary Health (全球和行星健康)
MSc Particles, Strings and Cosmology ()
Condensed Matter Physics ()
Geography (Risk) MA (地理学(风险))
Geography (Risk) MSc (地理学(风险))
Geophysics with Geology (地球物理学与地质学)
Mathematics and Statistics (数学和统计学)
Physics and Astronomy MPhys (物理学和天文学 (本硕连读))
Chemistry (化学)
Chemistry MChem (化学 (本硕连读))
Earth Sciences MSci (地球科学(本硕连读))
Mathematics and Statistics MMath (数学和统计学(本硕连读))
Natural Sciences MSci (自然科学(本硕连读))
Risk MA (风险)
Particles, Strings and Cosmology MSc (粒子、弦理论与宇宙学)
Mathematics MMath (数学(本硕连读))
Mathematics (数学)
Theoretical Physics MPhys (理论物理学 (本硕连读))
Biological Sciences (生物科学)
Chemistry (Industrial Route) MChem (化学(工业路线) 本硕连读)
Climate Science (气候学)
Mathematical Sciences MSc (数学科学)
Particles, Strings and Cosmology (粒子、弦和宇宙学)
Cognitive Neuroscience (认知神经科学)
Geography (Research Methods) (地理学(研究方法))
Human Bioarchaeology and Palaeopathology (人类生物考古学和古病理学)
Environmental Hazards and Risk MSc (环境危害与风险)
Cognitive Neuroscience MSc (认知神经科学)
Environmental Geoscience BSc (环境地球科学)
Geoscience (地球科学)
Physics (物理学)
Physics MPhys (物理学 (本硕连读))
Anthropology BSc (人类学)
Chemistry (International Route) MChem (化学(国际路线) 本硕连读)
Biotechnology (生物技术)
Human Bioarchaeology and Palaeopathology:Isotopic and Biomolecular Archaeology (人类生物考古学和古病理学:同位素与生物分子考古学)
Risk, Security and Politics:Social Policy and Society (风险、安全与政治:社会政策与社会)
Risk, Security and Politics:International Politics of the Middle East (风险、安全与政治:中东的国际政治)
Climate, Risk and Society MSc (气候、风险与社会)
Risk, Security and Politics (风险、安全与政治)
Environmental Hazards and Risk MA (环境危害与风险)
Risk, Security and Politics:The Politics of East Asia (风险、安全与政治:东亚政治)
Climate, Risk and Society MA (气候、风险与社会)
Plant Biotechnology and Enterprise (植物生物技术与企业)
Behavioural Science (行为科学)
PhD in Mathematical Sciences (数学)
Developmental Psychopathology (发展心理病理学)
Research Methods (Developmental Psychology) (研究方法(发展心理学))
Human Bioarchaeology and Palaeopathology:Research Topics in Archaeology (人类生物考古学和古病理学:考古学研究课题)
Human Bioarchaeology and Palaeopathology:Current Themes in Human Bioarchaeology (人类生物考古学和古病理学:人类生物考古学的当前主题)
Risk, Security and Politics:Debating the European Union (风险、安全与政治:欧盟之争)
PhD in Statistics (统计学)
Sport and Exercise Sciences BSc ()
Health and Human Sciences with Foundation BSc (健康与人类科学含基础课程)
Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity BA (运动、锻炼与体育活动)
Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity with Foundation BA (运动、锻炼与体育活动含基础课程)
Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology (法医考古学和人类学)
Physical Activity, Health and Society (体育活动、健康和社会)
Sustainability, Energy and Development (可持续性、能源和发展)
Medical Anthropology MSc (医学人类学)
Sport and Exercise Sciences (体育和运动科学)
Health and Human Sciences BSc (健康与人类科学)
Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity (运动、锻炼和体育活动)
Museum and Artefact Studies MA (博物馆与人工制品研究)
Social Research Methods (Criminology) MA (社会研究法(犯罪学))
Social Research Methods (Social Work) MA (社会研究法(社会工作))
Theology and Religion MA (神学与宗教)
Anthropology BSc (考古学)
Archaeology and Ancient Civilisations BA (人类学与古代文明)
Archaeology with Foundation BSc (考古学含基础课程)
Criminology with Foundation BA (犯罪学含基础课程)
Sociology BA (社会学)
Theology and Religion BA (神学与宗教)
Theology with Foundation BA (神学含基础课程)
MA Social Research Methods (社会研究方法)
Research Methods (Politics, International Relations, Security) (研究方法(政治,国际关系,安全))
Social Research Methods (Social Policy) MA (社会研究法(社会政策))
Anthropology BA (考古学)
Archaeology BSc (人类学)
Archaeology with Foundation BA (考古学含基础课程)
Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA (哲学、政治与经济学)
Theoretical Physics MPhys (理论物理学)
Criminology and Criminal Justice MSc (犯罪学与刑事司法)
Social Research Methods (Sociology) MA (社会研究法(社会学))
Social Work MSW (社会工作)
Spirituality, Theology & Health MA (灵性、神学与健康)
Spirituality, Theology and Health MSc (灵性、神学与健康)
English Literature and Philosophy BA (英国文学与哲学)
Politics BA (政治)
Politics (Year Abroad) BA (政治(含国外学习))
Politics with Foundation BA (政治含基础课程)
Palaeopathology MSc (古病理学)
Christian Theology MA (基督神学)
International Relations (East Asia) MA (国际关系(东亚))
International Relations (Middle East) MA (国际关系(中东))
Religion and Society MA (宗教与社会)
Anthropology and Archaeology BA (人类学与考古学)
Anthropology and Sociology BA (人类学与社会学)
Anthropology with Foundation BSc (人类学含基础课程)
Anthropology with Foundation BA (人类学含基础课程)
Archaeology BA (人类学)
Combined Honours in Social Sciences with Foundation BA (社会科学含基础课程)
Criminology BA (犯罪学)
Philosophy and Politics BA (哲学与政治)
Philosophy and Psychology BA (哲学与心理学)
Philosophy and Theology BA (哲学与神学)
Sociology with Foundation BA (社会学含基础课程)
Philosophy MSc (哲学)
Environmental Hazards and Risk MSc ()
Research Methods (Anthropology) MA (研究法(人类学))
International Relations (国际关系)
Religion and Society (宗教与社会)
Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding MSc (冲突预防与和平构建)
MSc Sociology (社会学)
International Relations (Middle East) (国际关系(中东))
Defence, Development and Diplomacy MSc (国防、发展与外交)
Christian Theology (基督教神学)
MA Climate, Risk and Society ()
MSc Behavioural Science ()
English Language Preparation for Postgraduate Studies ()
Energy and Society MSc (能源与社会学)
International Foundation Year Humanities, Law and Social Science (本科预科-人文、法律与社会科学)
Conservation of Archaeological & Museum Objects (Diss) MA (考古学与博物馆保护)
Human Bioarchaeology and Palaeopathology Msc (人类生物考古学和古病理学)
Historical Archaeology (历史考古学)
Humanities Law and Social Sciences-foundation ()
PhD in School of Government and International Affairs ()
Politics and International Relations (政治与国际关系)
Christian Theology (Anglican Studies) MA (基督神学(英国国教研究))
Behavioural Science (行为学)
Christian Theology (Catholic Studies) (基督神学(天主教研究))
Museum and Artefact Studies (博物馆和文物研究)
Ancient Philosophy (古代哲学)
International Cultural Heritage Management MA (国际文化遗产管理)
International Relations BA (国际关系)
Archaeology of the Historic World (历史世界考古学)
Anthropology and Sociology (人类学与社会学)
Anthropology BA (人类学)
Anthropology and Archaeology BA (人类学和考古学)
Psychological and Behavioural Science (心理和行为科学)
English Literature and History BA (英语文学与历史)
Climate, Risk and Society MSc (气候、风险和社会)
Human Bioarchaeology and Palaeopathology (人类生物考古学和古人类病理学)
Criminology and Criminal Justice (犯罪学和刑事司法)
Archaeology MA (考古学)
Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects (PP) MA (考古学与博物馆保护)
Music and Philosophy (音乐与哲学)
Philosophy and Politics (哲学与政治)
Philosophy and Theology (哲学和神学)
Ancient History (古代历史)
Archaeology BA (考古学)
Religion, Society and Culture (宗教、社会和文化)
Bioarchaeology Msc (生物考古)
Theology and Religion GDip (神学与宗教)
International Relations (European) (国际关系(欧洲))
Philosophy BA (哲学)
Politics (政治)
Research Methods (Politics, International Relations, Security) (研究法(政治,国际关系与安全))
Archaeology and Ancient Civilisations (考古学和古代文明)
Sustainability, Energy and Development (可持续性、能源与发展)
Physical Activity, Health and Society (体育活动、健康与社会)
Politics and International Relations (Political Theory) (政治与国际关系(政治理论))
Defence, Development and Diplomacy (国防、发展与外交)
MA Languages, Literatures and Cultures ()
Philosophy (哲学)
Philosophy GDip (哲学)
Physical Activity, Health and Society MSc ()
BA Sociology ()
Research Methods (Anthropology) (研究方法(人类学))
International Cultural Heritage Management (国际文化遗产管理)
Museum and Artefact Studies (博物馆与文物研究)
Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects (PP) (考古和博物馆文物保护(专业实践))
Conservation of Archaeological & Museum Objects (Diss) (考古和博物馆物品保护(Diss))
International Relations (East Asia) (国际关系(东亚))
Global Politics MSc (全球政治)
Christian Theology (Anglican Studies) MA (基督教神学(英国圣公会研究))
Philosophy and Psychology (哲学与心理学)
Classical Civilisation (古典文明)
Archaeology BSc (考古学)
Psychology (心理学)
Psychology and Anthropology (心理学和人类学)
English Literature and Philosophy BA (英语文学与哲学)
Combined Honours in Social Sciences BA (社会科学)
MA Environmental Humanities (环境人文学科)
Risk, Security and Politics (风险、安全和政治)
Bioarchaeology:Current Themes in Human Bioarchaeology (生物考古学:人类生物考古学的当前主题)
Museum and Artefact Studies:Protecting World Heritage (博物馆与文物研究:保护世界遗产)
International Relations:Contemporary Political Philosophy (国际关系:当代政治哲学)
International Relations:The Politics of Global Europe (国际关系:全球欧洲的政治)
International Relations:International Politics of the Middle East (国际关系:中东的国际政治)
Ancient History and Archaeology BA (古代史与考古学)
International Relations MA (国际关系)
MA in Risk, Security and Politics (风险、安全和政治学)
Environmental Hazards and Risk MSc (环境危害和风险)
Environmental Hazards and Risk MA (环境危害和风险)
Climate, Risk and Society MA (气候、风险和社会)
Socio-Cultural Anthropology (社会-文化 人类学)
Bioarchaeology (生物考古学)
Research Methods (Politics, International Relations, Security) (研究方法(政治、国际关系、安全))
Medical Humanities (医学人文)
Bioarchaeology:Environmental Archaeology (生物考古学:环境考古学)
Bioarchaeology:Osteoprofiling (生物考古学:骨病)
Bioarchaeology:Isotopic and Biomolecular Archaeology (生物考古学:同位素与生物分子考古学)
Bioarchaeology:Practical Guided Study (生物考古学:实践指导学习)
Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology:Isotopic and Biomolecular Archaeology (法医考古学和人类学:同位素与生物分子考古学)
Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology:Forensic Genetics (法医考古学和人类学:法医遗传学)
Theology and Religion BA (神学和宗教)
Environmental Humanities (环境人文学科)
Medical Anthropology (医学人类学)
Archaeology (考古学)
Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding (预防冲突与建设和平)
Politics and International Relations of the Middle East (中东政治与国际关系)
Theology and Religion (神学和宗教)
Theology and Religion GDip (神学和宗教)
International Relations:Designing Political Inquiry (国际关系:设计政治调查)
International Relations:Global Governance (国际关系:全球治理)
International Relations:Global Political Theory (国际关系:全球政治理论)
International Relations:Ideologies and Political Thought (国际关系:思想政治思想)
Social Research Methods:Advanced Ethnographic Research (社会研究方法:高级人种学研究)
Social Research Methods:Simulating Data in R (社会研究方法:在R中模拟数据)
Sustainability, Culture and Development MSc (可持续性、文化与发展)
Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literary Studies MA (20和21世纪文学研究)
Sociology (社会学)
Criminology and Criminal Justice (犯罪学与刑事司法)
Social Work (社会工作)
Social Research Methods (社会研究方法)
Research Methods PCert (研究方法)
Museum and Artefact Studies:Research Topics in Archaeology (博物馆与文物研究:考古学研究课题)
Museum and Artefact Studies:Care of Collections (Museum Studies) (博物馆与文物研究:藏品护理(博物馆学))
Museum and Artefact Studies:Museum Communication (博物馆与文物研究:博物馆沟通)
Bioarchaeology:Research Topics in Archaeology (生物考古学:考古学研究课题)
Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology:Palaeopathology: Theory and Method (法医考古学和人类学:古病理学:理论与方法)
International Relations:Core Concepts in Political Science (国际关系:政治学核心概念)
International Relations:The Politics of East Asia (国际关系:东亚政治)
Public Policy (公共政策)
Social Research Methods:Systematic Review (社会研究方法:系统综述)
Social Research Methods:Health Informatics and Clinical Intelligence (社会研究方法:健康信息学与临床智能)
Social Research Methods:Participatory Action Research (社会研究方法:参与行动研究)
Social Research Methods:Multilevel Modelling (社会研究方法:多级建模)
Biomedical Engineering MSc (生物医学)
Medical Law and Ethics (医学法律与伦理)
Law with Foundation LLB (法律含基础课程)
International Trade and Commercial Law (国际贸易和商业法)
Master of Laws (法学)
European Trade and Commercial Law (欧洲贸易和商业法)
PhD in Law school (法学院博士)
Corporate Law LLM (公司法)
European Trade and Commercial Law LLM (欧洲贸易与商法)
International Law and Governance LLM (国际法律与治理)
International Law and Governance (国际法和治理)
International Dispute Resolution (国际争端解决)
Corporate Law (企业法)
Intellectual Property Law (知识产权法)
Law LLB (法律)
International Environmental Law (国际环境法)
International Law and Governance (国际法与治理)
International Dispute Resolution:Advanced Issues of Corporate Law (国际争端解决:公司法高级问题)
International Dispute Resolution:International Trade Law and Policy (国际争端解决:国际贸易法与政策)
International Dispute Resolution:Introduction to Corporate Governance (国际争端解决:公司管治概论)
International Dispute Resolution:Mergers and Acquisitions (国际争端解决:企业并购)
International Dispute Resolution:Competition Law (国际争端解决:竞争法)
International Dispute Resolution:International Tax Law (国际争端解决:国际税法)
International Dispute Resolution:Frontiers in Biolaw (国际争端解决:生物学前沿)
International Dispute Resolution:Global Environmental Law (国际争端解决:全球环境法)
International Dispute Resolution:Global Financial Law (国际争端解决:全球金融法)
International Dispute Resolution:International Commercial Mediation (国际争端解决:国际商事调解)
International Dispute Resolution:Advanced Issues of International Law (国际争端解决:国际法高级问题)
International Dispute Resolution:China and the International Legal Order (国际争端解决:中国与国际法律秩序)
International Dispute Resolution:Cross-Border Commercial Litigation (国际争端解决:跨境商事诉讼)
International Dispute Resolution:International Investment Law (国际争端解决:国际投资)
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