University of Birmingham
伯明翰大学(Univerity of Birmingham),位于英格兰的伯明翰市,是英国历史上著名的“红砖”大学之一。目前是罗素大学集团成员之一,同时也是是国际大学组织Univerita 21的创始会员,并担任该组织秘书长之职。 伯明翰大学、是英国最著名的大学之一,是英国最好、校园规模最大的老牌名校,伯明翰大学优异的教学和科研在世界各地都享有极高的声誉。
参加组织:罗素大学集团Univerita 21
2011/12 英国泰晤士报QS世界百强大学排名:67
伯明翰大学建立于1900年,直到今天,每当人们看到伯明翰市的标志性建筑―100英尺高的钟塔时,就会想起伯明翰大学的第一任校长Joeph Chamberlain,钟塔正是为了纪念他而建造的。目前在校人数超过26,000人,有来自150多个国家的3,500多名国际留学生。
2011年7月14日,英国高等教育基金委员会HEFCE公布的资料显示伯明翰大学被列入英国12所精英大学之一。资料显示这12所大学包办全国大部分AAB以上学生。其他大学包括剑桥,牛津,布里斯托大学等。英国每日电讯报Telegraph则称这些大学为英国的"常青藤" 大学。
2011年7月1日,英国伯明翰大学宣布与中国广州市政府联合在广州建立伯明翰大学中国研究所,合作研究方向包括能源、高级制造、生物科技、计算机科学、城市化等方面。 2010年8月9号,英国伯明翰大学首次宣布退出UCAS大学入学申请清理程序,意味着英国大学生进入伯明翰大学学习的竞争将更加激烈。这是继牛津,剑桥,爱丁堡和布里斯托后第五个宣布退出的学校。
其中Barber Intitute of Fine Art (芭伯艺术馆) 在2005年的“全英最优博物馆中”,与
苏格兰国立美术馆,牛津大学 的阿什莫林博物馆 ,剑桥大学的费茨威廉博物馆和利物浦步行者艺术画廊,并立除伦敦外“五大最好博物馆”。其中藏品从西方梵高,莫奈,罗丹,毕加索,高迪等大师的伟大作品到中国明清宫廷造办处的翡翠盘龙笔洗,商周时期青铜鼎器等等,应有尽有。
伯明翰市是英国除伦敦外的第二大城市,位于英格兰中部。城市的风格既传统又现代,在这里既可以看到壮观的摩天大厦,也可以在Brindleyplace河边找到古老的珠宝首饰店。因为这里是英国的心脏地带,所以无论公路还是铁路都四通八达,加上与国家展览中心、伯明翰国际机场近在咫尺,伯明翰自然成为了一个国际性的大都市。 伯明翰人口众多,有100多万,仅次于首都伦敦,其处地离伦敦也不远,仅90分钟的车程。伯明翰位于英格兰中部,是英国工业重镇。市区商业楼宇林立、高速公路高架桥纵横交错,夜间灯火辉煌、车水如流。伯明翰在工业革命后开始发展,制造业和商业的繁荣使这座城市充满生机:国家展览中心每年吸引成千上万的世界各地的游客和商家来此参观访问;大型的体育盛会和音乐会在国家室内竞技场举行;国际会议中心、交响乐团、摩天商厦、高级宾馆等更使这座城市积极向上、充满幻想色彩。伯明翰大学就是镶嵌在这繁华都市中的一颗明珠。
伯明翰大学校园由两个校区组成―Edgbaton校区和Selly Oak校区。Edgbaton校区被公认为是英国最好的校园之一,校园里湖水清澈,绿树成荫, 伯明翰大学
建筑错落有致,带着浓郁的古世纪风格。Selly Oak校区距离市中心仅5英里的花园地带,占地面积80英亩。这里的建筑由古建筑和现代建筑群交错而成。 伯大校园鸟瞰
艺术、语言、文学及历史:美加研究、英语、音乐、哲学、欧洲语言及文化、历史与考古学 教育:儿童教育、国际教育管理及政策、语言研究、教育心理学等 商科:会计金融、投资、国际商务、市场营销、MBA等 社会科学、政府及政治:经济学、国际研究、社会学、政府研究、国际发展学等 法律:商法、欧洲与公共法律比较、刑法等 工程:化学工程、土木工程、电子及计算机工程、机械工程、冶金及材料学等 医学、牙医及健康科学:医疗学、神经学、传染及免疫学等 科学:计算机科学、生物学、地球科学、环境健康及风险管理、数学、物理、心理学、体育 【优势专业:经济、商业、计算机、电子工程、化学工程、体育、法律、环境、社会研究、材料学、数学】 推荐专业:工商管理、化学、经济学、教育、土木工程、电机和电子工程等。
本科毕业,有学士学位;大学平均成绩80分以上 IELTS成绩6.5-7.0以上,IELTS成绩5.5-6.0以上(自然科学和工程学) 语言中心提供6-20周的语言课程 EISU提供3周的入学前语言课程,仅持有无条件入学通知书者可以申请。
非实验室类11000英镑/年;实验室类13950英镑/年;临床医学20300英镑/年 生活费约5400英镑/年 住宿和费用:学生公寓:£90-130英镑/周(包bill)私人住房:£40-60英镑/周(bill均摊)
[4]福利 学生有一个很强的支持网络。在学术上,每个学生都有一个私人辅导员,遇到任何学术问题都可联系自己的辅导员。每个学院均设立一个学生代表系统,以年级为单位安排福利专员。学校公寓还有学生组成的导师。这些人员都是24小时服务,对于学习有困难的学生和残疾学生也有特别的学习支持。建议和代表中心(ARC)为学生就各类问题提供免费咨询,包括住宿、学生权益、金融法、性健康和与学科相关的问题。在心理支持方面,有一支专业的咨询团队,配合夜线服务以及各类学生组成的志愿者。 医疗 在Pritchatt Road 5号有学校的全科医疗站和牙科诊所,从Edgbaton校区步行只要5分钟。学生可以在那里登记,访问NHS牙科、医生、护士和女性诊所。 商店 商店主要分布在Guild和校园中心处,包括礼品店、理发沙龙、眼镜店和保险公司等。 银行 学校有以下这些银行:HSBC, Natwet, Lloyd TSB, Barclay此外学校里还有很多取款机。 住宿服务 学校负责向新生提供住宿,有学生宿舍楼和伙食自理楼,学生可自由选择。学生宿舍楼提供早、中、晚餐,并有专人负责清洁房间,房间内有必要的设施,每栋楼还有专职生活老师;饮食自理楼通常是4&mdah;6个学生合住一个房间,合用厨房与浴室或者是独立卫生间(价格当然要贵一些)。如果学生未能成功申请到校园内的宿舍,也有少数住宿家庭可供选择。[1]学校有留学生中心,负责向海外学生提供各项咨询以及英语强化课程。当然,学生也可以使用学校提供的其他一系列学生服务设施。 学生服务 学校负责向新生提供住宿,也有少数住宿家庭可供选择。学校有留学生中心,负责向海外学生提供各项咨询以及英语强化课程。学生也有权使用学校提供的一切学生服务设施与各类服务项目。 校园求职中心为学生提供世界各地的求职信息,并提供免费的求职培训如:面试技巧、团队技巧、演讲技巧及性格、智能、语言能力测试
Business, International MSc (国际商务)
Development Economics MSc (发展经济学)
Economics MSc (经济学)
Financial Economics MSc (金融经济学)
Human Resource Management MSc (人力资源管理)
Management: Entrepreneurship & Innovation Pathway MSc (管理:创业与创新)
MBA Global Banking and Finance (全球银行与金融)
Social Research (Business) MA (社会研究(商务))
Economics BSc (经济)
Economics with German BSc (德国与经济学)
Money, Banking and Finance BSc (货币、银行与金融)
Business Administration Graduate Diploma (工商管理)
Business Management BSc (商务管理)
Economics with Spanish BSc (西班牙与经济学)
International Relations with Economics with Year Abroad BA (国际关系与经济学(含企业实习))
Development Management (with specialist pathways) GDip (发展管理(专门的))
Business Management with Communications BSc (商务管理与通信)
International Business BSc (国际商务)
International Business with Communications BSc (国际商务与交流)
PhD Management (管理博士)
BSc Business Management with Marketing (Dubai) ()
BSc Accounting and Finance FT (Dubai) ()
BSc Business Management with Economics (Dubai) ()
BSc Money, Banking and Finance (Dubai) with Integrated Foundation Year ()
BSc Business Management with Economics (Dubai) with Integrated Foundation Year ()
MSc International Business ()
BSc Money, Banking and Finance (Dubai) ()
Chemistry with Business Management BSc (化学与工商管理)
Chemistry with Business Management Msci (化学与工商管理)
BSc Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
MSc Management Operations Pathway (管理学:运营)
Development Management (Human Resources and Development Management) Gdip (发展管理(人力资源开发管理))
Business Management (Year in Industry) BSc (商务管理(含企业实习))
Business Management with Marketing BSc (商务管理与市场营销)
International Relations with Economics BA (国际关系与经济学)
Economics and Political Science BSc (经济与政治环境)
Mathematics with Business Management Msci (数学与企业管理)
PhD/MPhil/MSc Finance (Research) ()
PhD in Department of Economics ()
Data Science MSc (Dubai) ()
BA Politics, Religion and Philosophy (政治、宗教与哲学)
MSc Public Administration (Finance) (公共管理(金融))
LLM Commercial, Banking and Finance Law (商业、银行和金融法法学)
Social Sciences, Business and Law - January (文学、社科、商务、法律本科预科-1月开课)
Financial Management MSc (金融管理)
Human Resource Management with CIPD Pathway (人力资源管理-CIPD方向)
Strategic Marketing and Consulting MSc (战略营销与咨询)
Advanced Engineering Management MSc: Construction Management (高级工程管理理学硕士:施工管理)
Advanced Engineering Management MSc: Operations Management (高级工程管理理学硕士:运营管理)
Health Care Policy and Management MSc (卫生保健政策和管理)
Public Service Commissioning MSc (公共服务)
PHD finance ()
BSc Economics (Dubai) (经济学(迪拜校区))
International Business MSc (Dubai) ()
Investments MSc (投资)
Management: Operations Pathway MSc (管理:操作)
Mathematical Finance MSc (数理金融学)
MBA International Business (国际商务)
BSc Business Management with Finance (Dubai) ()
Development Management (Human Resources and Development Management) MSc (发展管理(人力资源开发管理))
Development Management (Public Economic Management and Finance) MSc (发展管理(公共经济管理与金融))
BSc Business Management (Dubai) ()
MSc Financial Management (Dubai) (财务管理)
MSc Financial Management(Dubai campus) ()
Accounting and Finance (MSc) (会计与金融硕士)
MSc Supply Chain Management (供应链管理)
Pre-Master's for Business, Economics and Finance ()
International Hospitality Business Management BA (Hons) (国际旅游商业管理)
Money Banking and Finance with Integrated pre-Masters ()
MSc International Economics with Integrated pre-Masters (国际经济一体化)
MSc Accounting and Finance ()
PhD Marketing (Research) ()
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics MSc (环境与自然资源经济学)
International Accounting and Finance MSc (国际会计与金融)
International Economics MSc (国际经济)
International Marketing MSc (国际市场营销)
Management: Organisational Leadership and Change Pathway MSc (管理:组织领导与变化)
Management: Strategy Pathway MSc (管理:策略)
Marketing Communications MSc (营销传播)
Marketing MSc (市场营销)
Money, Banking and Finance MSc (货币、银行与金融)
Foundation Certificate for Business, Law and Social Sciences at KIC London (伦敦KIC的商业、法律和社会科学基础证书)
BSc Money Banking and Finance ()
MSc International Marketing ()
MSc Financial Economics (金融经济学)
MSc Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
MSc Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship (可持续发展创新与创业)
PGDip International Political Economy (国际政治经济学)
MPA Masters in Public Administration (Human Resources) (公共管理(人力资源))
LLM Commercial Law Pathway (商法法学)
MSc Strategic Marketing and Consulting (战略营销与咨询理学)
MSc Investments (投资学)
MA International Political Economy (国际政治经济学)
International Foundation Year-Arts, Social Sciences, Business and Law (本科预科-人文社科,商务法学方向)
International Development MSc (国际发展)
MSc Development Policy and Politics ()
International Trade Law ()
Bachelor's Degree with Integrated Foundation Year (Social Sciences; Business and Law Pathway) ()
International Business MSc (国际商务)
International Politics Economy ()
Foundation Certificate in Business, Law and Social Sciences (London) (商业,法律和社会科学本科预科(伦敦))
BA International Relations and Development ()
BSc Psychology with Business Management FT (Dubai) ()
MSc Research Insights in Marketing (市场营销的研究见解)
MSc Management Organisational Leadership and Change Pathway ()
MSc Marketing(Dubai) ()
MSc Management (管理学)
MBA Full-time (工商管理)
International Foundation in Business and Humanities-2 Terms (商业与人文)
International Year One in International Business, Accounting and Finance (国际商务、会计与金融)
Arts, Social Sciences, Business and Law Pathway (文学、社科、商务、法律本科预科)
MPA Public Administration (Finance) ()
MSc Accounting and Finance(测试) (会计与金融)
MSc Accounting and Finance (会计与金融理学)
MSc Financial Management (财务管理)
MSc Money, Banking and Finance (货币、银行与金融理学)
MSc Marketing (市场营销)
MSc Business Analytics (商业分析)
MPA Public Administration (Finance) (公共管理(金融))
Industrial Project Management Masters/MSc ()
MBA: Business Administration ()
Applied Mathematics Masters/MSc ()
PhD Economics ()
MSc Money, Banking and Finance ()
MSc Economics (经济学)
MSc International Business (国际商务)
MSc Financial Technology (金融技术)
PhD in Management ()
Financial Data Science Masters/MSc (金融数据科学)
Financial Engineering Masters/MSc (金融工程)
Mathematical Finance Masters/MSc (数学金融)
MBA Executive (MBA 行政人员)
International Foundation in Business and Humanities (商业与人文)
International Year One in International Business, Accounting and Finance-4 Terms (国际商务、会计与金融)
The pre-Masters year (硕士预科)
MSc Public Management (公共管理)
PhD Department of Finance (金融)
PhD/MPhil/MSc Accounting (Research) (会计学(研究))
Social Sciences, Business and Law Pathway (社科、商务与法律本科预科)
International Foundation in Business and Humanities-4 Terms (商业与人文)
Master's Preparation (硕士预科课程)
Master's Preparation-2 Terms (硕士预科课程)
MSc Environment, Development and Politics ()
Masters in Public Administration (Finance) (公共管理:金融)
Foundation Certificate Business, Law and Social Sciences at Kaplan International College London ()
BSc Economics (经济学)
Pre-Master's for Business, Law and Social Sciences (商法社科预科)
Masters in Public Administration(Human Resources) (公共管理:人力资源)
Pre-master for Business, Law and Social Sciences (商科,法学与社会科学预科)
BSc Business Management with Finance (Dubai) with Integrated Foundation Year ()
Civil Engineering and Management Msc (土木工程与管理)
Geotechnical Engineering and Management MSc (岩土工程与管理)
Railway Systems Engineering and Integration MSc (铁路系统工程与整合)
Electrical Power Systems Masters/MSc (电力系统)
Civil Engineering and Management Diploma (土木工程与管理)
Biochemical Engineering Diploma (生物化学工程)
Civil Engineering and Management Certificate (土木工程与管理)
Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc (高级机械工程)
Mechanical Engineering BEng (机械工程)
MSc Advanced Engineering Management (General Pathway) ()
Chemical Engineering with International and Industrial Study MEng (化学工程与国际产业研究)
Civil Engineering Beng (土木工程)
Civil Engineering with Industrial Experience Meng (土木工程与产业经验)
Electrical and Railway Engineering Beng (电力与铁路工程)
Electrical and Railway Engineering Meng (电力与铁路工程)
Civil Engineering with Industrial Year Meng (土木工程)
Civil Engineering with International Study Meng (土木工程与国际研究)
Advanced Chemical Engineering Diploma (高级化学工程)
Chemical Engineering (International Study) Meng (化学工程(国际研究))
Chemical Engineering Meng (化学工程)
Civil and Railway Engineering Beng (土木与铁路工程)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering Meng (电子电气工程)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering with Industrial Year Beng (电子电气工程(含企业实习))
Electronic and Electrical Engineering with Industrial Year Meng (电子电气工程(含企业实习))
Mechanical and Materials Engineering Beng (机械与材料工程)
Mechanical and Materials Engineering Meng (机械与材料工程)
Nuclear Engineering Meng (核工程)
Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) Beng (机械工程(汽车))
Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Year Meng (机械工程(含企业实习))
Materials Engineering with Industrial Experience Meng (有工业经验的材料工程)
Metallurgy Beng (冶金学)
Foundation Pathways at Birmingham-Engineering and Physical Sciences Pathway (工程和物理)
Civil Engineering and Management Postgraduate Diploma (土木工程与管理)
Civil Engineering and Management Postgraduate Certificate (土木工程与管理)
Civil Engineering and Management Masters MSc (土木工程与管理)
Road Management and Engineering Masters/MSc (道路管理与工程)
Road Management and Engineering Postgraduate Diploma (道路管理与工程)
Materials in Fusion Energy MRes (聚变能材料)
Science and Engineering of Materials MRes (材料科学与工程)
Advanced Chemical Engineering with Energy PGDip (高级化学工程与能源)
Formulation Engineering Masters/MSc (配方工程)
Civil Engineering Masters/MSc (土木工程)
Geotechnical Engineering Postgraduate Diploma (岩土工程)
Railway Systems Engineering and Integration PG Diploma (铁路系统工程与集成)
Structural Engineering Masters/MSc (结构工程)
Electrical Power Systems with Advanced Research Masters/MSc (Two Years) (电力系统高级研究)
Railway Safety and Control Systems Masters (铁路安全与控制系统)
Advanced Mechanical Engineering Masters/MSc (高级机械工程)
MSc Advanced Engineering Management (高级工程管理)
Civil and Railway Engineering Meng (土木与铁路工程)
Civil Engineering Meng (土木工程)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Foundation Year (工程与物理科学基金年)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering Beng (电子电气工程)
Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) Meng (机械工程(汽车))
Biochemical Engineering MSc (生物化学工程)
Geotechnical Engineering MSc (岩土工程)
Electronic and Computer Engineering Masters/MSc (电子与计算机工程)
Mechanical Engineering BEng (Dubai) ()
Advanced Chemical Engineering with Bioprocessing Masters/MSc (高级化学工程与生物加工)
Advanced Chemical Engineering with Energy Masters/MSc (高级化学工程与能源)
Formulation Engineering PGDip (配方工程)
Railway Safety and Control Systems PG Diploma (铁路安全与控制系统)
Railway Safety and Control Systems PG Certificate (铁路安全与控制系统)
Advanced Engineering Management MSc: Project Management (高级工程管理:项目管理)
Advanced Engineering Management MSc: Systems Management (高级工程管理:系统管理)
Formulation Engineering MSC ()
Railway Risk and Safety Management MSc (铁路风险与安全管理)
Road Management and Engineering MSc (道路管理与工程)
Materials Science and Engineering MSc (材料科学与工程)
Science and Engineering of Materials MRes ()
Engineering and Physical Sciences Foundation Pathway (工程与物理科学预科课程)
Structural Engineering and Practice MSc (结构工程与实践)
Advanced Chemical Engineering Masters/MSc (高级化学工程)
Advanced Chemical Engineering with Bioprocessing PGDip (高级化学工程与生物加工)
Advanced Chemical Engineering with Healthcare Technology PGDip (高级化学工程与医疗保健技术)
Geotechnical Engineering Masters MSc (岩土工程)
Geotechnical Engineering Postgraduate Certificate (岩土工程)
Railway Systems Engineering and Integration Masters MSc (铁路系统工程与集成)
Railway Systems Engineering and Integration PG Certificate (铁路系统工程与集成)
Robotics Masters/MSc (机器人)
Advanced Chemical Engineering with Formulation Masters/MSc/PGDip ()
MSc Advanced Engineering Management( Construction Management) ()
Civil Engineering PGDip (土木工程)
Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering BEng (机电与机器工程)
Mechanical Engineering PhD ()
Railway Systems Integration MRes-with Integrated Presessional Programme (铁路系统集成(含预科))
MSc Advanced Engineering Management: Operations Management (高级工程管理:运营管理)
Communications Engineering Masters/MSc (通信工程)
MSc Advanced Engineering Management: Construction Management (高级工程管理:建筑管理)
Civil Engineering MPhil (土木工程)
Civil Engineering MSc by research (土木工程)
Materials Science and Engineering Masters/MSc (材料科学与工程)
Space Engineering Masters/MSc (空间工程)
International Year One in Engineering ()
MSc Healthcare Technology ()
Foundation Certificate in Science and Engineering (London) (科学与工程本科预科)
Space Engineering Masters/MSc ()
Railway Systems Integration MRes (铁路系统集成)
Materials Science and Engineering MEng (材料工程)
Materials Science and Engineering BEng ()
Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering MSc by Research (电子、电气和系统工程)
Chemical Engineering PhD/MSc by research ()
Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering PhD/MSc by Research ()
Structural Engineering Masters/MSc/Diploma ()
Global Energy Technologies and Systems MS (全球能源技术和系统)
Advanced Chemical Engineering PGDip (高级化学工程)
Advanced Chemical Engineering with Healthcare Technology MSc (高级化学工程与医疗保健技术)
Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering (电子、电气和系统工程)
MSc Advanced Engineering Management: Project Management (高级工程管理:项目管理)
MSc Advanced Engineering Management: Systems Management (高级工程管理:系统管理)
Chemical Engineering Science MRes (化学工程)
Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and their Applications MRes (氢、燃料电池及其应用)
foundation-Engineering and Physical Sciences Pathway (工程与科学)
MSc Railway Safety and Control Systems ()
Mechanical Engineering MSc by Research (机械工程)
Advanced Engineering Management (Operations Management)MSc (高级工程管理(运营管理))
Engineering BEng ()
Advanced Engineering Management MSc (with Specialist Pathways) ()
Masters Electronic and Computer Engineering ()
Civil Engineering PhD program ()
Urban Planning MSc (Dubai) ()
Urban and Regional Planning MSc ()
Msc Sustainable Urban Planning and Design ()
Aerospace Engineering BEng ()
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA (对外英语教学)
English - Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) (英语(中学教育))
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - Modern Languages: German (中学教育(QTS)现代语言:德语)
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - Modern Languages: German and French (中学教育(QTS)现代语言:德语与法语)
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) – Modern Languages (French/Spanish/German) (中学教育(QTS)–现代语言(法语、西班牙语、德语))
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - Physical Education (中学教育(QTS)-体育)
Postgraduate Diploma Primary Education (PGCE Advanced) General Primary or Early Years (小学教育(PGCE先进)一般小学或早期)
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities PGDip (特殊教育需求与残疾)
Education - School Direct (教育)
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - Physics with Mathematics (中学教育(QTS)-物理与数学)
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - English (中学教育(QTS)-英语)
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - Religious Education (中学教育(QTS)-宗教教育)
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - Modern Languages: French (中学教育(QTS)现代语言:法语)
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - Modern Languages: French and Spanish (中学教育(QTS)现代语言:法语与西班牙语)
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - Mathematics (中学教育(QTS)-数学)
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - Science: Biology (中学教育(QTS)-科学:生物学)
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - Science: Chemistry (中学教育(QTS)-科学:化学)
Education and History BA (Hons) (教育与历史)
Education and Sociology BA (Hons) (教育社会学)
TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) MSc ()
Biology - Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) (生物-中学教育)
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - Geography (中学教育(QTS)-地理)
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - History and History & Citizenship (中学教育(QTS)历史与历史及公民)
Postgraduate Diploma Primary Education (SSPIP) Mathematics (小学教育(数学SSPIP))
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - Science: Physics (中学教育(QTS)科学:物理学)
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) (中学教育(QTS))
Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) - Modern Languages: Spanish (中学教育(QTS)现代语言:西班牙语)
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities PGCert (特殊教育需求与残疾)
Education BA (Hons) (教育)
MA Education (教育)
Management of Special Education in Developing Countries MA (发展中国家特殊教育管理)
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) MA (对外英语教学)
MA Global Public Policy ()
Postgraduate Certificate Secondary Education (QTS) – Modern Languages (French) (中学教育研究生证书(QTS)-现代语言(法语))
Postgraduate Certificate Secondary Education (QTS) – Modern Languages (Spanish) (中学教育研究生证书(QTS)-现代语言(西语))
International Studies in Education MA (国际教育研究)
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities MA (特殊教育需求与残疾)
MA Shakespeare and Theatre ()
MA Education Leadership (教育领导力)
Educational Leadership & Management FT ()
MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) ()
School Improvement and Educational Leadership MA (学院改善与教育领导)
MA Education (Inclusion and Disability) (MA Education (Inclusion and Disability))
Education PhD ()
MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (对外英语教学(TESOL))
Postgraduate Certificate Secondary Education (QTS) – Modern Languages (German) (中学教育研究生证书(QTS)-现代语言(德语))
TESOL Education MSc (英语教育)
English Presessional Programmes (https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/International/bia/presessional/index.aspx)
MA Education (Comparative and International Perspectives) (教育(比较与国际视角))
MSc TESOL Education (对外英语教学教育)
Postgraduate Certificate Secondary Education (QTS) - Science: Biology (中学教育研究生证书(QTS)-科学: 生物)
PGCE Primary SEND (小学特殊教育)
Postgraduate Certificate Secondary Education (QTS) - Engineers Teach Physics (中学教育研究生证书(QTS)-工程师教授物理)
MA Education (Leadership) (教育(领导力))
MA Education (Inclusion and Disability) (教育(融合与残疾))
MA Education (Social Justice) (教育(社会正义))
Postgraduate Certificate Secondary Education (QTS) - Science: Chemistry (中学教育研究生证书(QTS)-科学: 化学)
Postgraduate Certificate Secondary Education (QTS) - English (中学教育研究生证书(QTS)- 英语)
Postgraduate Certificate Secondary Education (QTS) - Physical Education (中学教育研究生证书(QTS)-体育教育)
Postgraduate Certificate Secondary Education (QTS) - Science: Physics (中学教育研究生证书(QTS)-科学: 物理)
English-Chinese Interpreting with Translation MA ()
Diplomacy (外交学)
PGCE Primary (QTS) (小学教育专业证书(QTS))
Postgraduate Certificate Secondary Education (QTS) - History (中学教育研究生证书(QTS) - 历史)
Postgraduate Certificate Secondary Education (QTS) - Religious Education (中学教育研究生证书(QTS)-宗教教育)
PGCE Primary with Mathematics Specialism (QTS) (小学数学(合格教师资格))
Postgraduate Certificate Secondary Education (QTS) - Mathematics (中学教育研究生证书(QTS)- 数学)
Postgraduate Certificate Secondary Education (QTS) – Modern Languages (中学教育研究生证书(QTS)-现代语言)
Postgraduate Certificate Secondary Education (QTS) - Geography (中学教育研究生证书(QTS)-地理学)
Advanced Computer Science MSc (高级计算机科学)
BSc Computer Science (Dubai) ()
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science BSc (人工智能与计算机科学)
Computer Science BSc (计算机科学)
Computer Science Msci (计算机科学)
Computer Science/Software Engineering MEng with a year in industry (计算机科学/软件工程(含企业实习))
Computer Science with an Industrial Year Msci (计算机科学(含企业实习))
Computer Science with Study Abroad BSc (计算机科学与国外研究)
Computer Science with Study Abroad Msci (计算机科学与国外研究)
Computer Science/Software Engineering Meng (计算机科学/软件工程)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Masters/MSc (人工智能(AI)与机器学习)
Natural Computation MRes (自然计算)
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science BSc with a year in industry (人工智能与计算机科学(含企业实习))
Computer Science BSc with a year in industry (计算机科学(含企业实习))
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science MSc (人工智能与计算机)
Computer Science MSc (Dubai) ()
Computer Science MSc (计算机科学)
Cyber Security MSc (网络安全)
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science BSc with Integrated Foundation Year (Dubai) with Integrated Foundation Year (Dubai) ()
BSc Computer Engineering (Dubai) ()
English for Academic Purposes Presessional ()
Computer Science with a Year in Industry BSc ()
Human Computer Interaction MSc (人机交互)
Data Science MSc ()
MSc Computer Science (计算机科学)
Computer Science PhD (计算机科学)
Computer Science Masters/MSc ()
Advanced Computer Science Masters/MSc (高级计算机科学)
Data Science Masters/MSc (数据科学)
Human Computer Interaction Masters/MSc (人机交互)
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science MSc (Dubai) ()
Computer Science Masters/MSc (计算机科学)
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Masters/MSc (人工智能与机器学习)
Cyber Security Masters/MSc (网络安全)
Statistical Data Science Masters/MSc ()
Advanced Computer Science Masters/MSc ()
MSc Responsible Data Science ()
Computer Engineering BSc ()
BA Digital Media and Communications (数字媒体和传播学)
MA Film and Television: Research and Production (电影与电视:研究与制作)
MA Digital Media and Creative Industries (数字媒体与创意产业)
MA Music: Electroacoustic composition/sonic art pathway (音乐:电声成分/声音艺术)
MA Music: Global Popular Musics pathway (音乐:全球流行音乐方向)
MA Music: Mixed Composition pathway (音乐:混合作曲)
BA English and Creative Writing (英语与创意写作)
Psychology MA (心理学)
MA Shakespeare and Creativity (莎士比亚与创意)
MA Music: Sonic Art pathway ()
Music Performance Practice PhD/MA by Research (音乐表演实践)
MA Music: Composition pathway ()
Film Studies PhD ()
BMus Music (音乐)
BA Film and Creative Writing (电影与创意写作文)
MA Performance Practices: Applied Artists (表演实践: 应用艺术家)
Music Performance Practice MA by Research (音乐表演实践)
Musical Composition MA by Research (音乐创作)
MA Music (with Performance): Performance pathway (音乐(含表演): 表演方向)
Musicology MA by Research (音乐学)
MA Music (with Performance): Choral Conducting pathway (音乐(含表演): 合唱指挥方向)
MA Music: Instrumental/Vocal Composition pathway (音乐:器乐/声乐作曲)
MA Music: Open Pathway with Performance (音乐:开放路径与表演)
MA Music: Open Pathway without Performance (音乐:开放通路(不包含表演))
MA Music: Performance pathway (音乐:表演)
MA Music: Performance Practice pathway (音乐:表演实践)
MA (Taught): Music (With Performance) (硕士(授课式): 音乐(含表演))
Film Studies MA by Research (电影研究)
MA Art History and Curating (艺术史与策展)
MA Shakespeare Studies (实施比亚研究)
MA Film and Television: Research and Production ()
MA Music: British Music Studies pathway (音乐:英国音乐研究)
MA Music: Choral Conducting pathway (音乐:合唱指挥)
MA Music: Early Music pathway (音乐: 早期音乐)
MA Music: Composition pathway (音乐: 作曲方向)
MRes History of Art (艺术史)
Digital Media and Communications MA ()
MA Music: Critical Musicology pathway (音乐:音乐批判学)
MA Music: Musicology pathway (音乐:音乐学)
Drama and Theatre Studies Practice-Based PhD / MA by Research (through Dramaturgy, Playwriting or Performance) ()
MA Music: Musicology and Sound Studies pathway (音乐硕士: 音乐学与声音研究)
Drama and Theatre Studies MA by Research (戏剧与戏剧研究)
Drama and Theatre Studies Practice-Based MA by Research (戏剧与舞台研究实践型研究)
History of Art MA ()
Antiquity MA: Classical Archaeology pathway (古代马:古典考古学)
MA Global History (全球史)
MA Medieval Studies (中世纪研究)
Policy into Practice (with Integrated Placement) MA (政治实施)
International Relations (Diplomacy) MA (国际关系(外交))
International Relations (Political Psychology) MSc (国际关系(政治心理学))
International Relations (with specialist pathways) MA (国际关系(特殊途径))
International Relations (Security) PGDip (国际关系(安全))
International Relations (Terrorism and Political Violence) PGDip (国际关系(恐怖主义与政治暴力))
Migration, Superdiversity and Policy PGCert (迁移、超多样性与政策)
Political Science (with specialist pathways)PGDip (政治科学(专家路径))
Political Theory PGDip (政治理论)
BA English Literature and History of Art (英国文学与艺术史)
BA History and Philosophy (历史与哲学)
BA History and Political Science (历史与政治科学)
BA Hispanic Studies and History (西班牙裔研究与历史)
BA Modern Languages (现代语言)
BA Modern Languages and Music (现代语言与音乐)
BA Modern Languages with Business Management (现代语言与商务管理)
International Relations with Political Science with Year Abroad BA (国际关系与政治科学)
International Relations with Spanish BA (国家关系与西班牙)
International Relations with Year Abroad BA (国际关系)
Political Science BA (政治科学)
Archaeology Certificate Cultural Archaeology pathway (考古学文化考古)
International Relations (Contemporary Asia Pacific) PGDip (国际关系(当代亚太))
International Relations (Diplomacy) PGDip (国际关系(外交))
International Relations (with specialist pathways) PGDip (国际关系(专业))
Migration, Superdiversity and Policy PGDip (迁移、超多样性与政策)
Political Science (British Politics and the State) PGDip (政治科学(英国政治与国家))
Political Science (Research Methods) PGDip (政治科学(研究方法))
BA Classics (古典学)
Anthropology and Classical Literature and Civilisation BA (人类学与古典文学及文明)
Archaeology and Anthropology BA (考古学与人类学)
BA African Studies (非洲研究)
BA African Studies with Development (非洲研究与发展)
BA Drama and Theatre Arts (戏剧与戏剧艺术)
BA English (英语)
BA English Language (英语语言)
BA History and Theology and Religion (历史与神学与宗教)
BA German Studies and History (德语研究与历史)
African Studies Diploma (非洲研究)
International Relations (Gender) PGDip (国际关系(性别))
International Relations (International Peacekeeping) PGDip (国际关系(国际维和))
Policy into Practice (with Integrated Placement) PGDip (政治实施)
Policy into Practice PGDip (政治实施)
Policy into Practice PGCert (政治实施)
Archaeology & Ancient History and History BA (考古学与古代史)
Archaeology and Ancient History BA (人类学与古历史)
BA English and Classical Literature & Civilisation (英语与古典文学与文明)
BA English and History (英语与历史)
BA Ancient History (古代历史)
Political Science (British Politics and the State) MA (政治科学(英国政治与国家))
Political Science (Research Methods) MA (政治科学(研究方法))
Political Science (with specialist pathways) MA (政治科学(专家路径))
MA Africa and Development (非洲与发展)
MA Religion, Politics and Society (宗教、政治与社会)
Migration, Superdiversity and Policy MA (迁移、超多样性与政策)
BA Modern Languages and English (现代语言与英语)
International Relations BA (国际关系)
Political Economy with Year Abroad BA (政治)
Political Science and Sociology BA (政治科学与社会学)
Anthropology and Political Science BA (人类学与政治科学)
BA Russian Studies and International Relations (俄罗斯研究与国际关系)
BA Classical Literature & Civilisation and Philosophy (古典文学与文明与哲学)
BA Classical Literature and Civilisation (古典文学与文明)
BA American and Canadian Studies (美国与加拿大研究)
Political Economy BA (政治经济)
Policy, Politics and Economics with Year Abroad BA (政策、政治与经济学)
Chemistry with a Modern Language BSc (现代的语言化学)
Chemistry with a Modern Language Msci (现代的语言化学)
BA Ancient History and Archaeology ()
Archaeology Diploma Cultural Archaeology pathway (考古学文化考古)
International Relations (International Political Economy) PGDip (国际关系(国际政治经济学))
International Relations (Research Methods)PGDip (国际关系(研究方法))
International Business with Language BSc (国际商务语言)
Political Science with Year Abroad BA (政治科学)
American and Canadian Studies BA (美国与加拿大研究)
American and Canadian Studies with year abroad BA (美国与加拿大研究)
BSc (Hons) Geology (地质学)
BSc (Hons) Geology and Physical Geography (地质学与自然地理)
BSc (Hons) Palaeobiology and Palaeoenvironments (古生物学与古环境)
BA History and History of Art (历史与艺术史)
Ancient and Medieval History BA (古代与中世纪历史)
Ancient History BA (古代历史)
BA Philosophy (哲学)
BA Philosophy and Sociology (哲学与社会学)
Political Science and Philosophy BA (政治科学与哲学)
Human Neuroscience BSc (Hons) (人类神经科学)
English Literature MA by Research (英语文学(研究型))
BA English Literature with Digital Media and Communications ()
MA History (Contemporary History) ()
MA Antiquity: Classics and Ancient History pathway (古代文学: 古典与古代史途径)
English Literature MA by Research (英国文学)
PGCert History (历史)
MRes History (历史学)
BA Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (哲学、宗教与伦理)
International Health BMedSc - Intercalated Degree (国际卫生)
MA by Research in Department of Film and Creative Writing ()
MA English Literature (英国文学)
MA Shakespeare - including Shakespeare and Education pathway (On campus or by distance learning) (莎士比亚文学(包括莎士比亚与教育方向))
Shakespeare Studies MA by Research (莎士比亚研究)
MA Applied Linguistics with TESOL (应用语言学与英语教学)
MA Creative Writing (创意写作)
MA History (Medieval and Early Modern History) (历史学(中世纪和早期现代史))
MA History (历史)
International Relations with German BA (国际关系与德国)
Anthropology and African Studies BA (人类学与非洲研究)
Anthropology and History BA (人类学与历史)
BA African Studies with Anthropology (非洲研究与人类学)
BA Drama and English (戏剧与英语)
BA English and Philosophy (英语与哲学)
BA English Language and Literature (英语语言与文学)
BA Ancient and Medieval History (古代史与中世纪史)
BA History (历史)
BA History and Russian Studies (历史与俄罗斯研究)
BA Modern Languages (University of Birmingham with The Open University pathway) (现代语言(伯明翰大学与开放大学道路))
BA Modern Languages and History of Art (现代语言与艺术史)
International Relations with French BA (国际关系与法语)
BA American and Canadian Studies with year abroad (美国与加拿大研究)
Political Science and Social Policy with Year Abroad BA (政治科学与社会政策)
Political Science and Sociology with Year Abroad BA (政治科学与社会学)
BA Theology and Religion (神学与宗教)
Policy, Politics and Economics BA (政策、政治与经济)
Sport and Exercise Sciences BSc (Hons) (体育与运动科学)
MA English Literature ()
MA Shakespeare and Creativity (莎士比亚与创作)
PGDip History (历史)
German Studies MA by Research (德语研究)
MA History of Art (with optional pathway in British Art) (艺术史(英国艺术选修课程))
MA Translation Studies (翻译研究)
Translation Studies MA by Research (翻译研究)
MA Philosophy (哲学)
Hispanic Studies MA by Research (西语研究)
Russian Studies MA by Research (俄语研究)
MRes Philosophy (哲学)
BA History of Art (艺术史)
LLB International Law and Globalisation (国际法与全球化)
Political Science and Philosophy with Year Abroad BA (政治科学与哲学)
Clinical Science BMedSc - Intercalated Degree (临床科学理学医学学士生物型度)
Africa and Development MA (非洲与发展)
MA Literature and Culture (文学与文化)
Policy into Practice MA (政治实施)
Classics and Ancient History pathway, Antiquity MA (经典与古代史)
MA Theology and Religion (神学与宗教)
Management MSc (with Specialist Pathways in Strategy, Operations, Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Organisational Leadership & Change) (管理(在战略、运营、创业与创新与组织领导与变革))
Antiquity MA: Byzantine Studies pathway (古代马:拜占庭式研究)
Antiquity MA: Classics and Ancient History pathway (古代马:经典与古代史)
Archaeology MA Cultural Archaeology pathway (考古学文化考古)
MA Philosophy of Health and Happiness (哲学(健康与幸福))
MRes Philosophy ()
MA Antiquity: Archaeology pathway (古代文学: 考古学方向)
MA Antiquity: Byzantine Studies pathway (古代文学: 拜占庭研究途径)
MA Antiquity: Egyptology pathway (古代文学: 埃及学)
MA Comparative Literature and Critical Theories (比较文学与批评理论)
MA Applied Linguistics (应用语言学)
MA Language, Culture and Communication (语言、文化与传播)
MA History (Global History) (历史学(全球史))
MA History (Modern and Contemporary History) (历史学(近现代史))
MA Translation Studies Arabic-English (阿拉伯语-英语翻译研究)
International Relations (International Political Economy) MA (国际关系(国际政治经济学))
International Relations (Research Methods) MA (国际关系(研究方法))
MA African Studies (非洲研究)
MA History of Warfare (战争史)
BA English and Film ()
MA Antiquity: Egyptology pathway (马古代埃及学)
Creative Writing MA (创意写作)
MA Contemporary History (当代史)
MA Early Modern History (早期现代史)
MA Holocaust and Genocide (大屠杀与种族灭绝)
MA Modern British Studies (现代英国研究)
MA Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science (哲学与认知科学)
Political Theory MA (政治理论)
Applied Meteorology and Climatology MSc (应用气象学与气候学)
Italian Studies MA by Research (意大利语研究)
MA Comparative Literature and Critical Theories ()
MRes Ancient History (古代史)
Archaeology MA by Research (考古学研究)
MRes Classics (古典文学)
French Studies MA by Research (法语研究)
Hispanic Studies MA by Research (西班牙研究)
Italian Studies MA by Research (意大利研究)
Comparative LiteraturePhD ()
International Relations (Security) MA (国际关系(安全))
International Relations (Terrorism and Political Violence) MA (国际关系(恐怖主义与政治暴力))
MA International Law, Ethics and Politics (国际法、伦理学与政治)
MA Philosophy of Religion and Ethics (哲学(宗教与伦理))
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy MSc (体育教育与体育教学)
BA English Language and Linguistics ()
Classics and Ancient History MA by Research (古典与古代史研究)
MA in English-Chinese Interpreting with Translation (英汉口笔译)
MRes Late Antiquity (晚期古代文学)
MRes Sexuality and Gender Studies (性与性别研究)
Sexuality and Gender Studies MA by Research (性与性别研究)
Arabic-English-Arabic TranslationMA ()
Bioinformatics MSc (生物信息学)
Efficient Fossil Energy Technologies MSc (高效化石能源技术)
Public and Environmental Health Sciences MSc (公众与环境健康科学)
International Development (Environment, Sustainability and Politics) MSc (国际发展(环境可持续性和政治))
International Development (International Political Economy and Development) MSc (国际发展(国际政治经济与发展))
Geography and Urban and Regional Planning BSc (Hons) (地理、城市与区域规划)
Advanced Computer Science Masters (高级计算机科学)
International Development (International Political Economy and Development) Gdip (国际发展(国际政治经济与发展))
Air Pollution Management and Control Diploma (空气污染管理与控制)
Pre-Masters Certificate in Mathematics (数学)
BA French Studies and Geography (法语研究与地理)
BA French Studies and History (法语研究与历史)
BA French Studies and Mathematics (法语研究与数学)
Brain Imaging and Cognitive Neuroscience MSc (脑成像与认知神经科学)
Clinical Psychology MRes (临床心理学)
MRes Research in Human Geography ()
Physical Education and Wellbeing MSc ()
Chemistry PhD/MSc by Research ()
Biochemistry (Genetics) BSc (Hons) (生物化学(遗传学))
Biochemistry MSci (Hons) (生物化学)
Biological Sciences (Biotechnology) BSc (Hons) (生物科学(生物技术))
Biological Sciences (Genetics) BSc (Hons) (生物科学(遗传学))
Biological Sciences MSci (Hons) (生物科学)
Biological Sciences with Professional Placement MSci (Hons) (专业安置生物科学)
Chemical Engineering with Industrial Study Beng (化学工程与产业研究)
Chemistry with Foundation Year (化学(含预科学年))
Chemistry with Pharmacology BSc (化学与药理学)
Environmental Science BSc (Hons) (环境科学)
Environmental Science with Professional Placement Abroad (Australasia) BSc (Hons) (环境科学)
Geography with Year Abroad BSc (Hons) (地理)
Geology and Physical Geography MSci (Hons) (地质与地球物理)
BA Geography and History (地理与历史)
Mathematics and Computer Science BSc (数学与计算机科学)
Biochemistry with Professional Placement MSci (Hons) (专业安置生物化学)
Biochemistry with Study in Continental Europe BSc (Hons) (生物化学)
Biomedical Science BSc (生物医学科学)
Human Biology BSc (Hons) (人类生物学)
Human Biology MSci (Hons) (人类生物学)
Human Biology with an International Year BSc (Hons) (人类生物学)
Human Biology with Professional Placement MSci (Hons) (专业安置人类生物学)
Chemistry BSc (化学)
Chemistry Msci (化学)
Geology BSc (Hons) (地质)
Geology MSci (Hons) (地质)
Geology with an International Year MSci (Hons) (地质)
PhD Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences ()
International Development (Governance and Statebuilding) with Internship Gdip (国际发展(治理与大厦))
Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management PG Diploma (核退役与废物管理)
Biological Sciences (Microbiology) BSc (Hons) (生物科学(微生物学))
Biological Sciences (Plant Biology) BSc (Hons) (生物科学(植物生物学))
Biological Sciences (Zoology) BSc (Hons) (生物科学(动物学))
Biological Sciences BSc (Hons) (生物科学)
Chemical Engineering Beng (化学工程)
Chemistry with Study Abroad Msci (化学)
Geography BA (Hons) (地理)
Geography BSc (Hons) (地理)
Geography MSci (Hons) (地理)
Geography with International Year MSci (Hons) (地理)
BA Mathematics and Music (数学与音乐)
BA Mathematics and Philosophy (数学与哲学)
Palaeobiology and Palaeoenvironments MSci (Hons) (古生物学与古环境)
Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics BSc (理论物理与应用数学)
Applied Golf Management Studies BSc (Hons) (应用高尔夫管理研究)
Physiotherapy BSc (Hons) (物理疗法)
Bioimaging MSc ()
Mathematics and Computer Science with Industrial Year BSc (数学与计算机科学(含企业实习))
Physics (International Study) BSc (物理学(国际研究))
Physics BSc (物理学)
Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology BSc (物理学与粒子物理学与宇宙学)
Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics Msci (理论物理与应用数学)
Theoretical Physics Msci (理论物理)
BSc Environmental and Engineering Geoscience (环境与地球科学工程)
PhD in Department of Earth Sciences ()
Mathematical Economics and Statistics BSc (数理经济学与统计学)
BA Geography and German Studies (地理与德语研究)
Biochemistry BSc (Hons) (生物化学)
Biochemistry with an International Year BSc (Hons) (生物化学)
Biological Sciences (Environmental Biology) BSc (Hons) (生物科学(环境生物学))
Biological Sciences with an International Year BSc (Hons) (生物科学)
Biological Sciences with Study in Continental Europe BSc (Hons) (生物科学)
Chemical Engineering with Foundation Year (你们)
Chemical Engineering with Industrial Study Meng (化学工程与产业研究)
Chemistry with Industrial Experience Msci (化学与产业经验)
Chemistry with Pharmacology Msci (化学与药理学)
Mathematics BSc (数学)
Mathematics Msci (数学)
Physics (International Study) Msci (物理学(国际研究))
Physics and Astrophysics (International Study) BSc (物理学与天体物理学(国际研究))
Physics and Astrophysics BSc (物理学与天体物理学)
Physics and Astrophysics Msci (物理学与天体物理学)
Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies Masters/MSc (燃料电池和氢气技术)
Geography PhD (Urban and Regional Studies) ()
Pure Mathematics PhD ()
Healthcare Technology Masters/MSc (医疗保健技术)
Applied Mathematics MRes (应用数学)
Applied Meteorology and Climatology MSc (应用气象学和气候学)
Health, Safety and Environment Management MSc (健康、安全与环境管理)
Hydrogeology MSc (水文地质学)
Environmental Health and Risk Management MSc (Research) (环境健康与风险管理)
Health, Safety and Environment Management PGDip (健康、安全与环境管理)
Physical Education and Wellbeing MSc (体育与健康)
Physiotherapy (pre-registration) MSc (物理治疗(注册前))
Advanced Chemical Engineering with Formulation PGDip (高级化学工程与配方)
Food Safety, Hygiene and Management Masters/MSc (食品安全、卫生与管理)
Management Mathematics MRes (管理数学)
Air Pollution Management and Control PG Dip (空气污染管理与控制)
Developmental Science and Neurodiversity MSc (发育科学与神经多样性)
Environmental Science MSci (Hons) (环境科学)
Environmental Science with Year Abroad BSc (Hons) (环境科学)
Geography with Year Abroad BA (Hons) (地理)
Geology and Physical Geography BSc (Hons) (地质与地球物理)
Medical, Life and Geo Sciences Pathway (医学、生命与地球科学路径)
Palaeobiology and Palaeoenvironments BSc (Hons) (古生物学与古环境)
Mathematics and Computer Science Msci (数学与计算机科学)
Mathematics and Computer Science with Industrial Year Msci (数学与计算机科学(含企业实习))
Mathematics with Business Management BSc (数学与企业管理)
Mathematics with Study in Continental Europe BSc (数学)
Nuclear Science and Materials BSc (核科学与材料科学)
Physics Msci (物理学)
Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology Msci (物理学与粒子物理学与宇宙学)
Theoretical Physics BSc (理论物理)
Sport, Physical Education and Coaching Science BSc (Hons) (体育、体育教育与训练学)
Applied Mathematics Masters/MSc (应用数学)
Sport Business, Management and Leadership, MSc (体育商业、管理与领导力)
Toxicology MSc (毒理学)
International Development (Conflict, Security and Development) MSc (国际发展(冲突、安全与发展))
Financial Engineering MSc (金融工程)
Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Econometrics (MORSE) MSc (数学、运筹学、统计学与计量经济学(莫氏))
Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management MSc (核退役与废物管理)
Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Robotics MSc (计算神经科学与认知机器人学)
Advanced Chemical Engineering with Formulation Masters/MSc (高级化学工程与配方)
Earth Sciences MPhil (地球科学)
Earth Sciences Research MSc (地球科学)
Urban and Regional Planning (with RTPI accreditation) PG Diploma (城市与区域规划(获得 RTPI 认证))
MRes Research in Human Geography (人文地理学)
Psychology MSc (Research) (心理学)
Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy MSc (高级手法理疗理学)
MSc High Performance Sport (高性能运动)
Psychology MSc (心理学)
Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy Postgraduate Diploma (高级手法理疗理学)
International Money and Banking MSc (国际货币与银行学)
Microbiology and Infection MSc (微生物学与感染学)
Cognitive Neuroimaging and Data Science MSc (认知神经成像与数据科学)
PHD-Pure Mathematics ()
Molecular Biotechnology MSc (分子生物技术)
Trauma Science MSc (创伤学)
International Development (Poverty, Inequality and Development) MSc (国际发展(贫困、不平等和发展))
Applied Mathematics PhD (应用数学博士)
Geography and Environmental Sciences PhD ()
Advanced Chemical Engineering with Energy Masters ()
Advanced Chemical Engineering with Bioprocessing MSc ()
Robotics MSc (机器人学)
River Environments and their Management MSc (河流环境及其管理)
Healthcare Technology PGDip (医疗保健技术)
Pure Mathematics MRes (纯数学)
Urban and Regional Planning (with RTPI accreditation) MSc (城市区域规划(RTPI认证))
Spinal Pain MRes (脊柱疼痛)
PhD Geog + Envt Sc Lab FT ()
Engineering and Physical Sciences Pathway (工程与物理科学)
MSc Human and Environmental Toxicology with Law (人类与环境毒理学法学)
Molecular Mechanistic Toxicology MRes (分子机制毒理学)
Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies Masters/MSc (燃料电池与氢能技术)
Global Energy Technologies and Systems Masters/MSc (全球能源技术与系统)
Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Econometrics MSc ()
Medical, Life and Geo Sciences Foundation Pathway ()
Sustainable Chemistry Masters/MSc (可持续化学)
Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors Masters\MSc (核反应堆物理与技术)
Global Cooperation and Security MSc (全球合作与安全)
International Development (with specialist pathways) MSc (国际发展(专业方向))
MSc Global Ethics (全球伦理学)
Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors MSc (核反应堆物理与技术)
Physiotherapy (pre-registration) MSc (物理疗法)
BSc Global Environmental Change and Sustainability ()
Statistics Masters/MSc (统计学)
Mental Health (Youth/Interdisciplinary) PGDip (心理健康(青年/跨学科))
Exercise and Sport Sciences MRes (运动与体育科学)
PHD Environmental Health & Risk Management ()
Atmospheric Sciences and Air Pollution PhD with Integrated Study ()
Pharmacy MSc by Research:Pharmaceutics ()
Biomedical Innovation MSc (生物医学创新)
Physics with Data Science BSc (物理学与数据科学学士学位)
MRes Functional Genome Biology ()
Chemistry with Sustainability BSc (化学与可持续发展理学士)
Sustainable Chemistry Masters/MSc ()
Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Econometrics (MORSE) Masters/MSc (数学、运筹学、统计学和计量经济学(MORSE))
Environmental Health MSc (环境健康)
MRes Environmental and Biological Nanoscience (环境与生物纳米科学)
Research in Human Geography MSc (人文地理研究)
Medical, Life and Geo Sciences Pathway (医学,生命和地球科学 本科预科)
Statistical Data Science Masters/MSc (统计数据科学)
Earth Sciences Research MSc (地球科学研究)
Air Pollution Management and Control MSc (空气污染管理与控制)
Public and Environmental Health Sciences MSc (公共与环境健康科学)
Mental Health (Youth/Interdisciplinary) MSc (心理健康(青年/跨学科))
Mental Health (Youth/Interdisciplinary) PGCert (心理健康(青年/跨学科))
Stem Cell Biology and Application - MSc (干细胞生物学和应用)
Public Health (Health Technology Assessment) MPH (公共卫生- 卫生技术评估)
Science of Occupational Health, Safety and the Environment MSc (职业健康科学、安全和环境)
Professional Golf Studies FdSc (高尔夫专业研究方向)
Health Research Method -PGDip (健康研究方法)
Health Research Methods -PGCert (健康研究方法)
Public Management MSc (公共管理)
Exercise and Sports Medicine (Football) MSc (锻炼与运动科学(足球))
Public Health & Population Sciences BMedSc - Intercalated Degree (公共健康与人口科学)
Health Data Science MSc (健康数据科学理学)
Psychology and Psychological Practice MSci (Hons) (心理学与心理练习)
Psychology BSc (Hons) (心理学)
Public Health (Global Health) MPH (公共卫生)
Psychological Medicine BMedSc - Intercalated Degree (心理医学理学医学生物型度)
Psychology and Psychological Research MSci (Hons) (心理学与心理研究)
Health Care Policy and Management MSc (Managing Quality and Service Improvement) (医疗保健政策与管理 (质量管理与服务改进))
Health Research Methods MSc (健康研究方法)
Public Health (International) MPH (国际公共卫生)
Public Management (Health and Social Care) MSc (公共管理(健康与社会保健))
Public Management (Local Policy and Leadership) MSc (公共管理(当地政策与领导))
Health Data Science ()
Public Health PGCert (公共卫生)
Occupational Health MSc (职业健康)
Public Health - Statement of Extra Accredited Learning (SEAL) MPH (公共卫生- 额外认可学习声明)
MSc Philosophy, Mental Health and Psychology ()
Exercise and Sport Sciences MSc (锻炼与运动科学)
Sport, Exercise & Health Sciences BSc (Hons) ()
Mental Health (Youth/Interdisciplinary) MSc ()
MSc Environmental Health (环境健康)
Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy MSc ()
Pharmaceutical Enterprise MSc (医药企业)
Exercise and Sports Medicine (Football) PGDip (锻炼与运动科学(足球))
Public Health (Global Health) PGCert (公共卫生(全球卫生))
Public Health MPH (公共卫生)
Health Care Policy and Management MSc (医疗保健政策与管理)
Biomedical Sciences - MSc by Research ()
Quantitative Bioimaging MSc ()
BSc (Hons) Sport, PE and Coaching Science ()
Health Care Policy and Management (Managing Quality and Service Improvement) (医疗保健政策与管理(管理质量与服务改进))
Musculoskeletal Ageing and Health MSc (肌肉骨骼老化和健康)
Public Health (Global Health) PGDip (公共卫生(全球卫生))
Health, Safety and Environment Management MSc (健康,安全跟环境管理)
Exercise and Sport Sciences MRes ()
Public Health (Global Health) MPH (公共卫生(全球卫生))
Public Health PGDip (公共卫生)
Biomedical Materials Science BMedSc (生物医学材料科学)
Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences PhD/MSc by Research (体育、运动与康复科学研究型博士/理学硕士)
MSc Exercise and Sports Medicine ()
Social Research MA (社会研究)
Social Research (Local Government and Public Policy) PGDip (社会研究(地方政府与公共政策))
Social Research (Social Work and Professional Practice) PGDip (社会研究(社会工作与专业实践))
Social Policy PGDip (社会政治)
Social Research (Education) MA (社会研究(教育))
Psychology BSc (Dubai) ()
Psychology BSc with Integrated Foundation Year (Dubai) ()
MA Politics (政治)
MA Global Conflict and Cooperation ()
Social Policy BA (社会政策)
Social Policy and Criminology BA (社会政策与犯罪学)
Social Policy and Sociology BA (社会政策与社会学)
MA History ()
MSc Conflict, Security and Development (MSc Conflict, Security and Development)
Sociology BA (社会学)
Social Work BA (社会工作)
MA International Security (国际安全)
African Studies and Anthropology MA by Research (非洲研究与人类学)
MA Social Research (African Studies) (社会研究(非洲研究))
MA International Heritage Management (国际遗产管理)
African Studies MA by Research (非洲研究)
Social Policy with Year Abroad BA (社会政策)
Political Science and Social Policy BA (政治学与社会政策)
MSc Advanced Engineering Management(Project Management) ()
Bachelor of Arts International Development and Politics with Year Abroad ()
MSc Global Ethics and Justice (全球伦理与正义理学)
Cultural Heritage MA by Research (文化遗产研究)
MA Philosophy of Religion and Ethics (宗教哲学与伦理)
MA Global Conflict and Cooperation (全球冲突与合作)
Sikh Studies MRes (锡克教研究)
PGDip International Relations (国际关系)
PGDip International Security (国际安全)
Social Policy MA (社会政治)
BA Anthropology and Politics ()
Politics and International Relations ()
MSc Philosophy, Mental Health and Psychology (哲学、心理健康与心理学)
MA Islamic Studies (伊斯兰研究)
MSc AI and Government (人工智能与政府)
PGDip Politics (政治学)
PGDip Global Public Policy (全球公共政策)
Global Public Policy ()
MA World Heritage Studies (世界遗产研究)
MPhil/PhD Social Work and Social Care ()
Criminology ()
Social Anthropology MA by Research (社会人类学)
MA Social Research (Economic and Social History) (社会研究(经济与社会历史))
Social Research (Local Government and Public Policy) MA (社会研究(地方政府与公共政策))
Social Work MA (社会工作)
BA Politics and Sociology ()
MSc Political Psychology of Inter national Relations ()
MRes Archaeology (考古学)
MRes History of Art ()
BA Politics ()
BSc (Hons) Psychology in Education ()
MSc AI and Sustainable Development (人工智能与可持续发展)
PG Dip Migration Studies (移民研究)
PG Cert Migration Studies (移民研究)
MA Social Work (社会工作)
Social Research (Social Policy) MA (社会研究(社会政策))
Social Research (Social Work and Professional Practice) MA (社会研究(社会工作与专业实践))
MA Philosophy of Religion and Ethics: Global Philosophy of Religion pathway (on campus and distance learning) (宗教哲学与伦理: 全球宗教哲学)
Politics and Social Policy ()
MSc Poverty, Inequality and Development ()
MSc Communicating Science and Technology ()
MSc Global Ethics and Justice (MSc Global Ethics and Justice)
MA Politics (政治学)
MSc International Development (国际发展)
Masters in Public Administration (MPA) (公共管理)
MA Global Public Policy with Integrated Placement (全球公共政策含实习)
MA Language Culture and Communication ()
MRes Byzantine Studies (拜占庭研究)
MRes Egyptology (埃及学)
MRes Interdisciplinary Study (跨学科研究)
Theology and Religion MA by Research (神学与宗教)
PhD/MPhil Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology (社会政策,社会学和犯罪学)
BA Sociology and Criminology ()
MRes Medieval History ()
MA Social Policy (社会政策)
MA Migration Studies (移民研究)
MA Global Public Policy (全球公共政策)
PGDip Global Public Policy with Integrated Placement (全球公共政策)
Global Intercultural Communication MA ()
International Relations MA/PGDip ()
MA International Relations (国际关系)
MSc Poverty, Inequality and Development (贫困、不平等与发展)
MRes African Studies (非洲研究)
BA Social Anthropology ()
Natural Computation MRes ()
Applied Health Research PhD (应用健康研究)
MSc Management Strategy Pathway ()
PhD Cultural Heritage ()
MSc Conflict, Security and Development (冲突、安全与发展)
MSc Environment, Development and Politics (环境、发展与政治)
MSc Development Policy and Politics (发展政策与政治)
MA Sociology (社会学)
International Political Economy MA ()
Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies MA by Research (拜占庭、奥斯曼和现代希腊研究)
Migration Studies PG Dip (移民研究)
Migration Studies PG Cert (移民研究)
MA Global Public Policy with Integrated Placement (全球公共政策(含实习))
International Development and Politics ()
Social and Political Theory MA (社会与政治理论)
Migration Studies ()
Physician Associate Studies Postgraduate Diploma (医生助理研究)
Dental Materials Science MSc ()
Dental Surgery BDS (牙科手术)
Nursing Bnurs (护理)
Medicine and Surgery MBChB (医学与外科医学)
Medicine and Surgery MBChB Graduate Entry Course (医学与外科医学)
Genomic Medicine PGDip (基因医学)
MSc Respiratory Medicine (呼吸道医学)
Pharmacy MPharm (4 year) (药学)
Medical Biochemistry BSc (Hons) (医药生物化学)
Health Data Science PGCert (健康数据科学)
Health Economics and Health Policy PGDip (卫生经济学与卫生政策)
Advanced Practice in Healthcare (Global) MSc/PGDip/PGCert (高级实践医疗(全球))
Health Economics and Econometrics MSc (卫生经济学与计量经济学)
Health Economics and Health Policy MSc (卫生经济学与卫生政策)
Medicine and Physiotherapy Foundation Pathway at University of Birmingham ()
Biomedical Innovation PGCert (生物医学创新)
Clinical Neuropsychiatry PGDip (临床神经精神病学)
Clinical Neuropsychiatry PGCert (临床神经精神病学)
Respiratory Medicine - PGCert (呼吸系统医学)
Respiratory Medicine - PGDip (呼吸系统医学)
Mental Health (Youth/Interdisciplinary Mental Health) MSc (心理健康(青年/跨学科心理健康))
Clinical Health Research MRes (临床健康研究)
Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences MSc by Research (运动、锻炼与康复科学)
Clinical Trials PGCert (临床试验)
Dental Materials Science PGCert (牙科材料科学)
Health Research Methods - PGDip (健康研究方法)
Genomic Medicine MSc (基因医学)
Immunology and Immunotherapy MSc (免疫学与免疫疗法)
Dentistry(Tissue Injury and Repair) - MSc by Research (牙科研究型硕士-组织损伤和修复方向)
Nursing MSc ()
Dentistry - PhD ()
Clinical Neuropsychiatry MSc (临床神经精神医学)
Clinical Oncology MSc (临床肿瘤医学)
Clinical Trials PGDip (临床试验)
Dental Materials Science PGDip (牙科材料科学)
Health Data Science PGDip (健康数据科学)
Health Research Methods - PGCert (健康研究方法)
Pharmacology Msc by research ()
Clinical Neuropsychiatry MSc (临床神经精神病学)
Clinical Oncology MSc (临床肿瘤学)
Clinical Trials MSc (临床试验)
Dental Materials Science MSc (牙科材料科学)
Multidisciplinary Healthcare Simulation - PGCert (多学科医疗保健模拟)
Clinical Trials MSc (临床试验硕士)
Bioinformatics PGCert (生物信息)
Biomedical Research: Cardiovascular Sciences MRes (生物医学研究: 心血管科学)
Genomic Medicine - MSc (基因组医学)
Health Economics and Econometrics PGDip (卫生经济学与计量经济学)
Primary Care Research and Leadership MSc (初级保健研究与领导力)
Dental Materials Science PGDip (牙科材料)
MSc by Research Pharmacy ()
MRes Cancer Sciences ()
MSc Biomedical Sciences (生物医学)
Molecular and Cellular Biology MRes (分子与细胞生物学)
Biomedical Innovation PGDip (生物医学创新)
Cancer Sciences MRes (癌症科学)
Health Data Science MSc (健康数据科学)
Nursing MSc (护理学)
Postgraduate Diploma Physician Associate Studies PGDip (内科副研究员)
Primary Care Research and Leadership PGDip (初级保健研究与领导力)
MSc by Research Cardiovascular Sciences (心血管科学研究)
Bioinformatics MSc (生物信息)
Bioinformatics PGDip (生物信息)
Clinical Oncology PGDip (临床肿瘤学)
Health Research Methods - MSc (健康研究方法)
MRes Microbial Genomics (微生物基因组)
Respiratory Medicine - MSc (呼吸系统医学)
Clinical Primary and Community Care MSc (初级临床与社区护理)
Clinical Pharmacy (International)MSc ()
Nursing - PhD/MSc by Research ()
Law PhD ()
Liberal Arts & Sciences (自由艺术与科学)
LLB Law with Business Studies (法律与商务研究)
LLB Law with Criminology (法律与犯罪学)
LLB Law with French Law (法国法律)
LLB Law with German Law (德国法律)
LLM Human Rights Law ()
LLM Environmental, Social and Governance Law, and Policy (环境、社会和治理法律与政策法学)
LLM Commercial, Banking and Finance Law ()
LLM International Law and Security ()
LLM Intellectual Property Law (知识产权法)
LLM International Human Rights (国际人权法学)
LLM International Law and Security (国际法与安全法学)
LLM International Commercial Law (国际商业法)
LLM Law and Social Justice (法律与社会正义法学)
MA International Law, Ethics and Politics (国际法、伦理与政治)
LLM Global Energy and Environmental Law (全球能源与环境法)
LLM International Criminal Law and Justice (国际刑法与司法)
LLM Law, Data and Technology (法律、数据与技术法学)
LLB Law (法律)
LLM Criminal Law and Criminal Justice (刑法与刑事司法)
LLM Commercial Law (商法)
MSc Law, Regulation and AI Ethics (法律、监管与人工智能伦理)
LLM General Law (普通法)
LLM Human Rights Law (人权法)
LLM International Business Law (国际商务法)
LLM International Disputes Law (国际纠纷法)
LLM (General) (法律(基本法))
LLM International Law and Globalisation Pathway ()
LLM General Pathway (法学)
Criminal Law and Criminal Justice LLM (刑事立法与刑事司法)
LLM International Law: Crime, Justice and Human Rights (犯罪、正义与人权)
Law PhD (法律)
LLM Commercial Law Pathway (商业法)
LLM Global Energy and Environmental Law ()
BA Criminology ()
BSc Economics and Politics (经济学和政治学)
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